

Graduation, Depature, and Arrival

2006-06-25 15:36:00 | Weblog
Maybe this is the last update for my blog during ChicagoGSB life.
(Sorry for not updating for a long time...)

The graduation convocation came on June 11th, and I left Chicago June 18.
I finally landed Osaka June 19, and now I'm having a short break in my apartment in Osaka.

Overall, my life in Chicago GSB was very tough, but exciting. I met a lot of people whom I had never met before coming to school.
That broke my narrow-minded boundary, actually. So much exciting life in Chicago and I already miss everything so much.....

Now, new life will start soon. I want to advance further even after the graduation. I want to find any opportunity that I can learn from, and I believe there are plenty of chances to boost me up.

Let's get re-started, and thank you guys very very much for everything.

This blog will be closed soon.


intrinsic vs extrinsic

2006-03-15 04:23:32 | Thought
Some people insisted me, "Clear incentive is crux for people to work". In this phrase, he/she wanted to mention "money" or other equivalent stff, such as stock options, etc....

However, such kind of incentive is an addictive drug, if it is extrinsic.

We need to take into account that there are two types of incentive, intrinsic and extrinsic.

If the person whose motivation is 100% hooked up with "extrinsic" value, I might say that "Kodos to you!".

I believe "Man shallnot live by bread alone", and I also know many people motivate themselves differently other than "extrinsic incentive" criteria. Now, I am too old to blame them of being ignorant for "cash" or extrinsic incentive....

Osaka....I'm coming back - Spring Break plan

2006-03-14 14:03:28 | Daily Life

Alright, alright... One final project was done. That team was fantastic actually. We covered what we learned in the class....
Two more final projects and one in-class exam to go. Finishing them up, I will fly back to Osaka, Japan this spring break. Well, precisely speaking, I need to fly back to Japan this time for my boss and HR head call me to discuss my career after graduation.

I dont have anything particular other than this meeting. So, I think I will read books which I really wanted to......

というわけで、3月19日大阪着、25日大阪発、というスケジュールとなっています。そのほかには特に用事がありません。Call me anytime!

Robbie House at Hyde Park

2006-03-07 03:12:13 | Daily Life
It's a snowy day today.... I woke up late (8:30) b/c I sat up late last night reading articles and doing one write-up for the class.

I have three final projects and one final exam this quarter.
Now, I am hitting on my book and bunch of documents in the small room on the second floor of Hyde Park Center, from which I can see beautiful Robbie House.. (Cozy interview room is now available for study!)

Robbie House was designed by Frank Llyod Wright, one of the most famous architect. And it is one of his masterpieces.... Indeed, it is very beautiful.

His works are also located and preserved in the district of Oak Park, suburban Chicago. I visited a couple of times and took pictures. Here is the picture I took there in Oak Park...

I want to visit another his masterpiece, Kaufmann House (a.k.a. "Fallingwater") before I graduate.

Ok, need to get back to study...


2006-03-06 13:14:28 | Daily Life
Several friends of mine asked me, "Why don't you write your blog in English?". So, this is the first blog article that I write in English....hehee

Week 9 has already passed and Week 10, the last class, starts tomorrow. Well, Week 11 is the final exam week. I really feel time flies too fast. The time for graduation is ticking...

This quarter has been hectic. I am taking four classes. I think I have learned as much as I have fun time.

One thing that I should have done earlier is shopping. Yesterday, after studying a bit, I went to downtown (Magnificent Mile) to buy a nice coat for business and a nice casual jacket. But it's kinda too late. (T_T) The coat that I found the other day was already sold out, and the jacket I like did not fit me. And Brooksbrothers store is now under renovation..... I cannot take advantage of BB's 15% discount membership card....

Lesson: Go ASAP to the SALES when it starts.

Advanced Marketing Final Project

2006-02-06 01:33:29 | GSB
final projectのテーマに、シャープの液晶テレビの北米展開を選びました。同じグループの、米人、英人ともOKといってくれたので良かったです。




2006-02-03 09:40:31 | Weblog

今のManaging in Organizationsのクラスは、まあ認知心理学の領域を扱っているんだけど、このHeuristicが一つのキーワード。人間がモノを判断するときのバイアスの一つとして、このHeuristicがある。

ノーベル経済学賞のカーネマンは、この領域を切り開いていった人であり、シカゴGSBのRichard Thalerは経済心理学・行動ファイナンスでの世界的権威。シカゴ大Law Schoolのサンスティーンは、法と認知科学の分野での世界的権威。


★Availability Heuristic(利用可能性(入手容易性)ヒューリスティック)


★Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic(投錨(係留)と調整)
最初に与えられた値、最初に直感的に判断した値(reference point)を手がかりにして、後の事象を認識に微調整を加えながら、推定する方法。しかし、往々にして最初に決め付けた範囲内での結論に収まってしまうことがある。(初期値に捉われてしまう)


★Anchoring Effect: マーケティングでは、「最初の情報提示によって、消費者判断に偏りがでてくる効果」らしい。(例:メーカー希望小売価格を高めに設定し、値引きの割合を大きく見せる)

★Halo Effect(ハロー効果、光背効果、後光効果)

★Confirmation Bias



★Correspondence Bias
ある人物の行動を見た観察者は、その出来事に明らかに外的な要因(ex. その場の雰囲気、状況、制約)が存在している場合でも、その外的要因を軽視して、その人物の行動がその内的属性(e.g.性格が明るい、態度が陰険etc)と一致していると思う傾向がある、ということ。人の情報処理の容量不足から派生する現象。

★Self-fulfilling Prophecy(予言の自己成就)


有名な定義:「自己成就的予言(self-fulfilling prophecy)とは、最初の誤った状況の規定が新しい行動を呼び起こし、その行動が当初の誤った考えを真実なものとすることである」



2006-01-30 15:50:50 | Daily Life
今日の昼、宿題のケース(Dell - New Horizon. Dellのケースはこれで3つめですわ・・・)を読んでいたら、Joeから電話があり、いま時間あるか?とのこと。あるで、というと、「パーティの買出しに行こう」とのことで、久しぶりにCostcoに行ってきた。

2月中旬に、100人規模の「日本酒利き酒」パーティを予定していて、もう学校全体にアナウンスしてしまったこともあり、もう後に引けない状態なんだけれど、今日は、お酒とMain Dish以外のものを購入した。

プラスティック・カップ 200個
紙皿 150個
プラスティックナイフ、フォーク、スプーン 360本
コーラ 40缶
ジュース 30缶
ミネラルウォーター 70本

そして、EDAMAME 60人前




2006-01-30 02:48:15 | Weblog



Advanced Marketing
Stragegic Planning 
Managing in Organizations
Network Structure of Effective Management


Sonnenfeld Case:栄華からの転落

2006-01-29 03:03:16 | GSB
Network Structure of effective managementの課題は、ケースが二つ。
一つは、"ポラロイド社でのIntrepreneurの失敗(?)”の事例、もう一つが、リーダーシップなどで有名な教授である Jeffrey Sonnenfeldの事例。









で、この教授、いまYale School of Managementのリーダーシップの教授やってるみたい。
