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Future SF shipped the newly written anthology The Digital Aesthete today.Contribution works are fascinating. Ken Liu sent the Good Stories which describes the work when generative AI is an ordinary tool of creation. It’s deep thoughtful work as his other works.PROMPT is the longest work of this anthology, and must be read. But I would…

Panel: Online SF Publishing in Japan

My third panel of Chengdu WorldCon 2023 was Online SF Publishing in Japan. The panel was held in Japanese and interpreted in Chinese at the Hall of Lunar. Panelists were me, Virtual Golila+ (VG+) editor Kanata Inoue, and Hayato Saito, Hayakawa Shobo chief editor of SF-Magazine Rikimaru Mizoguti, writer Iori Miyazawa(宮澤伊織) and Isukari-Yuba(柞刈湯葉). The moderator…

Panel: Localization Paths of Science Fiction in Non-English-Speaking Countries

My third panel of Chengdu WorldCon 2023 was the Localization Paths of Science Fiction in Non-English-Speaking Countries. Participants were Emad El-Din Aysha, Zoha Kazemi, Francis John Guillem Gene-Rowe, and me. The moderator was Regina Kanyu Wang. After introducing of participants, Emad got the first introduction to a brief history of Egyptian SFF and remarkable current…

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