
Surprisingly, exams are going pretty well^^
it may mean i am getting better these days. so far, i finished English, math and history. English and math are my favorites and weren't so difficult. The history, my worst subject i think wasn't that bad as i predicted. Yes! exams are going on the good wave(* ^ー゜)b
but yet only half of the exam have just finished and i cannot rest easy yet.so i need to keep my wits about me^^


Next week, I have BIG exams which the range is from the begining of our curriculum to what we have done so far.
I feel it so hard to do because, for me, reviewing process is most boring and hard to keep the concentration.
Moreover, another half a year later, we are taking exams of entire things from the begining again, and another half a year, and another, so this exam is just an opening of those. Yes, therefore I have to work hard this time, always the opening is most important to motivate myself to deal with the following exams.


I am soooo sorry about these days without being updated. But now, I have returned! Coz the internet started working again at my boading house.
There were too many things to write while I did not update.
But the biggest change at our motel is kids' arrival! 19(maybe) of 13 yrs old children are living with us. They all are Japanese except one Canadian boy who was supporsed to have lived with me. However he prefered to live with his parents and does not live with me now. Then I've got a chinese room mate. Though he is not very good at speaking English yet, he tries very hard to speak English. That remained me the boy who also felt difficult to speak English and tried hard( that is me^^)
Anyway, I've returned. I will try my best to update from now on agaaaain~~.

I am soooo sorry about these days without being updated. But now, I have returned! Coz the internet started working again at my boading house.
There were too many things to write while I did not update.
But the biggest change at our motel is kids' arrival! 19(maybe) of 13 yrs old children are living with us. They all are Japanese except one Canadian boy who was supporsed to have lived with me. However he prefered to live with his parents and does not live with me now. Then I've got a chinese room mate. Though he is not very good at speaking English yet, he tries very hard to speak English. That remained me the boy who also felt difficult to speak English and tried hard( that is me^^)
Anyway, I've returned. I will try my best to update from now on agaaaain~~.


It seems like a few days ago that the holiday has started. However actually the holiday is going to the end...
But all what i did is not sleeping. The amazing difference from before is that i kept playing basketball from 3 to 5 every weekday!
And now I will start the homework. The pile of them, hahaha.

Drama at school!


“And Then They Came For Me” played by drama club on 10th of September was well practiced and conveying their thoughts adroitly in that play.

As mentioned, the play was acted by drama club. This club is directed by a teacher who is a history teacher and Germany. That is the origin how the play was chosen as about the people in German while WWⅡ. The drama club had started from this year and the practice of this play has been done since last term.

In this play, there are some plots going simultaneously with some connection in each other. Two main plots are those; Young Ed and Young Eva with real documents from them who are still alive on the screen.
Young Ed lives in Germany with his family, father and mother, and has to leave them for safety to his grandfather in Holland. He has close relationships with Anne, Young Eva and her brother, especially with Anne and they became couple. He tries to return to his parents and he is able to do so. After the WWⅡ is over he spent his life with his parents.
Young Eva lives with her family, her parents and brother. They live in Holland. Due on Nazi’s extremes, they have to hide from them and separate the family to be safer. Nonetheless they have been detected by Nazi. They had to do the hard work without enough food but finally the WWⅡ has been over and Young Eva could survive, her mother died unfortunately.

They really act well. It was more than I expected!!! Thank all of the member of drama club that provide us for such a nice show. I would be looking forward to see next play^^

Thank drama club in the other side that we Project Tabitha club could sell lot of food on that day. (Project Tabitha's aim is to fund raise the money to built house for homeless people in Cambodia.)