TV Tropesけものフレンズ記事を和訳してみた その2「トリビア」

TV Tropesけものフレンズ記事を和訳してみた その1「アニメ」

Trivia / Kemono Friends

Acting for Two: Aya Uchida voices both Kaban and Lucky Beast.


No Budget:
There's a reason for the CGI quality in Kemono Friends: 10 people working over 500 days with a budget that was so limited that the OP doesn't have spinning wheels for the bus that Kaban and Serval use to travel.


Fan Nickname:
There was some debate for a while whether to call the main character "Kaban" or "Bag." Crunchyroll itself originally called her "Bag" before switching to "Kaban" about halfway through, and "Kaban" seems to have won out.


Sleeper Hit:
For a show that's based around a girl exploring a park inhabited by anthropomorphized animals, it became surprisingly popular; even the director had no clue how it gained the kind of popularity that it did. A lot of it likely has to do with the cozy setting combined with an actual mystery to be uncovered, putting it ahead of the curve of other Slice of Life-esque shows.
・Just to give an idea of how popular it is, on Nico Nico Douga, it had achieved the highest number of comments in the history of Niconico Anime Special, almost 1 million higher than the second place, Love Live!. More than that, Kemono Friends trended on Twitter as the top for many days, and was basically a near-national sensation at this point.
・Even its Myanimelist rating jumped from a low 4.00 at series start to a 7.45 immediately after the show ended.


Spell My Name with an "S":
A major source of speculation among the Japanese fandom. Is it meant to be "Lucky Beast" or "Lackey Beast"? "Sandstar Low", "Sandstar Raw" or "Sandstar ρ(rho)"? Even the name of the park has been speculated to be an idiosyncratic rendition of the English word "jeopardy" and taken as an early hint that the place isn't as peaceful as it seems.

表記揺れ問題(「Spell My Name with an “S”(邦題:ZをSに)はアイザック・アシモフの作品であり、著者が名前のスペルを間違えられた実体験を基にしている)
 日本のファン達の間で大きな考察対象となっている。「Lucky Beast」なのか「Lackey Beast」なのか。「Sandstar Low」なのか「Sandstar Raw」なのか「Sandstar ρ」なのか。さらにパークの名前も英単語の「jeopardy(危険)」をもじったちょっとアレな演出なのではないかという憶測もあり、早い段階でパークが実は見た目に反して平和ではない場所だというヒントになっていた。

●The scenes in the ending credits are taken from actual abandoned amusement parks.


●One of the Friends in the crowd watching PPP in episode 8 is the mascot of Crunchyroll in Friend form, an orange fox girl with a long ponytail. They even had a video message from Serval's voice actress to announce it.


TV Tropesけものフレンズ記事を和訳してみた その1「アニメ」

こんにちは。筐ヶ瀬 巻飴(カタミガセ マイ)です。
TVTropesって何? という方は以前書いたエントリをお読みになるか、あるいはお近くの検索エンジン等にお問い合わせ下さい。
各タイトルからTV Tropes内の該当記事へ飛べるようになっているので、ご利用ください。

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A Sleeper Hit based off a cancelled Nexon mobile game, it stars a girl who somehow ends up in the middle of a savannah and gets chased around by a Cat Girl. Said cat girl reveals that she is in one area of the vast Japari Park inhabited by Little Bit Beastly girls (and only girls) called Friends who were apparently regular animals turned into their current form on contact with Sand Star spewed by the volcano in the middle of the park. The girl doesn't remember who she is, so she gets called Kaban after the backpack she wears by Serval the serval, who becomes her Non-Human Sidekick. The two set off on an adventure to find out what kind of Friend she is. Friends ensue!


During an episode, each Friend is introduced along with their scientific classification. For eyecatches, zookeepers from all over the globe give short lectures on the nature of the featured animals.
Kemono Friends is currently being aired by Crunchyroll. A "new video project" has been greenlit.



After the End:
It becomes clear pretty quickly that Japari Park used to have humans maintaining it, but now... doesn't.

The girls walk past an old wreckage of a B-52 Bomber and some spent bombs, neither them nor the show comment.

All-CGI Cartoon


Amusement Park of Doom:
The abandoned state of the park has caused some parts to be rather dangerous. This isn't even adding the threat of the Ceruleans.


And the Adventure Continues:
In episode 12, Kaban sets off to find humans in a nearby region, which Boss indicates might have its own Friends in it since it's still part of the park. After she sets off, she runs out of gas for her boat, but is joined by Serval, Raccoon, and Fennec. Then a new unseen Friend comes by and asks what they're doing..


Animal Gender-Bender:
While every Friend is female, some of them (such as Lion and Moose) clearly exhibit features unique to males of the species they're based on.


Blob Monster:


In both the first and last episodes, a paper airplane is used as part of a plan to defeat a large Cerulean, and Serval decides to follow Kaban after she parts ways.


Carnivore Confusion:
Averted— Everyone is content to eat Japari buns, with hunting just being a game. It probably helps that they're all biologically human.


Call Back:
・In episode 11, when Kaban needs to climb a tree fast, she starts climbing and chanting the way Serval did in episode 1.
Kaban: Mya, mya, mya, mya! (translation: Meow, meow, meow, meow!)
・In episode 1, Kaban is forced to admit to Hippopotomus that she cannot swim, fly, run fast, or do much of anything. By the end of episode 11, she has done all those things to save Serval.
・Hippo goes back on her first episode statement, telling Kaban in episode 12 that she can turn to themwhen she needs to.
・A Friend was heard screaming in Episode 1 and mentioned that she may been have devoured by the Cerulean. Then a normal aardwolf was shown in Episodes 12 in the exact same location the Cerulean was defeated.


Chekhov's Gun:
In episode 1, Kaban gives Serval some paper airplanes. In episode 12, Serval uses one of these paper airplanes to lure the black Cerulean towards the boat so it can sink into the ocean.


Chekhov's Skill:
The ropes Kaban learns to make in episode 2 are used to make her lifeline in episode 11 and the Friends use it to modify the bus in episode 12.
In episode 6, Kaban rolls up some scrolls to give Lion and Moose non-lethal weapons. In episode 7, she learns paper burns. Her improvised torches in episode 11 are made by putting the two concepts together.


Episode 11 really leaves the viewer hanging.


Cute but Cacophonic:
Crested Ibis, as her singing can really scare off other Friends (Serval just tries to shrug it off).


"Do It Yourself" Theme Tune:
The opening, Youkoso Japari Park enote is sung by Serval, Raccoon, Fennec, and the PPP, the latter of whom also do the ending commentary.


Endangered Species:
Every Friend who's based on an endangered or extinct species has Empty Eyes.
・Crested ibis: At one point there were exactly seven crested ibis on Earth. These were rescued from extinction, with all survivors descended from these 7 birds. Apparently one of them became a Friend at Japari Park.
・Humans: Kaban may be the last human on Earth, or at least in Japari Park. The Quest for Identity becomes a quest for the Lost Colony.
・Tsuchinoko: They're a bit elusive.



Evolving Credits:
Animal silhouettes appear in each episode opening, to be filled in after the new Friend is introduced. After Episode 11 all of the silhouettes disappear. It's because, there is nothing to add after it.
By episode 7, it also also evolves into Foreshadowing. The new Friends and silhouettes added are holding rope and wood. It's the scene that happens off camera in episode 12 where they modify the bus.

……おや!? クレジットのようすが……!

The Four Gods:
In the anime, these are the controls for the Sandstone Low filter.
In the game, they're basically Bonus Boss of a Brutal Bonus Level where they're the strongest at least in Cerulean form.


Fun with Subtitles:
The final scene of the show. Serval and company's boat wipes away the "The End" subtitle. Right before the scene cuts to black, a faint "To be continued" fades in to replace it.


Gamer Chick:
Red Fox. Those arcade cabinets were built to last, apparently.


Glowing Eyes of Doom:
Friends get these when using Wild Release. These also appear when the two owls lead all of the other Friends into combat against the black Cerulean in Episode 12.


Green Rocks:
The Sandstar is responsible for all kinds of weirdness.


Hair Wings:
Most bird Friends have their wings on their head. Or hair coloured to look like wings. It can be hard to tell.


Hollywood Chameleons:
The panther chameleon Friend's color-changing ability is treated as actual invisibility.


Idol Singer:
PPP is an idol group made up of five penguin Friends.


Improbably Female Cast:
Not a single male character is to be found. Word of God states that Sandstar will even turn male animals into female Friends.


Internal Reveal:
Kaban's species is human. This is obvious from the start, but the Friends have little experience with humans (especially since they're all Petting Zoo People who already share most of humanity's distinctive traits) and so treat the reveal as a big discovery. Her origins are a legitimate plot twist, however. Inverted by Mirai's recordings, which provide the viewer with lots of information about the setting but mostly come across as Techno Babble to Kaban and Serval.


It Is Pronounced Tro PAY:
"PPP", pronounced as PePaPu. Short for Penguins Performance Project.


It's surprisingly upbeat for a post-apocalyptic alien invasion!


●Kill It with Water:
Thanks to her research, Tsuchinoko knows that water turns Ceruleans into volcanic rock.


King of Beasts:
Played with. Lion is in charge of a group of friends and acts noble (though more shogun than king), but in private acts like a fairly normal cat.


Line-of-Sight Name:
Kaban is named for the bag she is wearing ("kaban" being Japanese for "bag").


Little Bit Beastly:
All of the Friends are humans with a few animal features.


Loads and Loads of Characters:
The anime already has a rather large cast, but it's only a fraction of the game's cast .


Made of Phlebotinum:
Sand Star powers the entire show, causing both the Friends and the Ceruleans to exist. It also drives the Ceruleans to attack the Friends and forced the humans to leave Japari park. Serval even mentions that Kaban may owe her existence to Sand Star in the first episode.

フレボティナムの仕業(物語中の超常現象を説明するために作られたブラックボックス。元は「Buffy the Vampire Slayer(邦題:バフィー 〜恋する十字架〜)」における不思議現象を説明するために創作された概念。なお、フレボティナムの語源は恐らくPhlebotomy(瀉血:中世〜近代にかけて欧米で人気のあった治療法で、人体の血液を排出させて症状の改善を期するもの))

Mega Corp.:
Wild life parks, cafes, food, hot springs, video games ... Japari is a very diverse corporation.


Misplaced Wildlife:
Japari Park makes no attempt to separate its animals and Friends by their original location, only by biome. And even then there's a lot of Friends in weird places, though that could be the result of them moving around unsupervised.


Missed Him by That Much:
Raccoon and Fennec are pursuing Kaban on the grounds that she's a "hat thief". They visit each place she's been to, only to find out that she left not too long ago. They finally catch up in episode 11.


Moe Anthropomorphism:
It's the basis of the franchise.


Ms. Exposition:
Boss, aka Lucky Beast, provides background and information when entering new habitats. However, inside of attractions, he lets Kaban work things out for herself. In addition, in the event of something unexpected (such as a broken bridge), he freezes up.


Mutagenic Goo:
The mysterious substance known as "Sand Star" turns regular animals into the humanoid Friends (even their remains or a single hair). It also turn inanimate objects into Ceruleans.


Nonindicative Name:
The first Ceruleans we see are indigo-blue. After that they start coming in more colours and the name stops making sense.


Non-Nude Bathing:
In episode 9 the Friends jump into the hot spring fully clothed until Kaban points out that you're supposed to remove your clothing first. The Friends are shocked to find out their clothes even can come off and comment once they've removed them that the water is much warmer.


Nothing Is Scarier:
There's no squabbling from the penguin girls in the preview for Episode 12. Just an incessant beeping and the sight of Japari Park's sign in ruins. It turns out to be setting up more than just the Darkest Hour.

何も無いのが一番怖い(五感に強く訴えて恐怖を煽る方法ではなく、雰囲気で静かに怖さを演出するものや、意味が分かると怖いもの。Nothing is scarier than nothing)

On the Next:
Each episode ends with PPP discussing an animal that will show up next episode, which usually quickly devolves into squabbling.


Only Smart People May Pass:
Being who they are, Kaban and Serval quickly forget the directions Moose told them to get to the library, and take a forest maze instead; requiring the ability to read. This alerted The Owl-Knowing One staff to their intelligence who they use to...cook tasty food for them.


Ontological Mystery:
Behind the fun Quest for Identity and meeting new Friends, there is a significant amount of unexplained background details that is gradually revealed.


Our Cryptids Are More Mysterious:
Even a Tsuchinoko got turned into a Friend.


The Owl-Knowing One:
One of the owls at Japari Library is called "Professor" by all the other Friends, and the other is her assistant. And they certainly insist that they're wise.


Patchwork Map:
The Sandstar somehow allows the various regions to be right next to each other in defiance to the laws of geography. Which allowed the formation of the Japari Park itself.


Peacock Girl:
The Peafowl Friend who makes a brief appearance in episode 2.


Phlebotinum Muncher:
What makes the Ceruleans so dreaded. They exist and grow by absorbing the Sandstar in their environment, including any poor Friends that happen to be caught by them. Getting drained of Sandstar causes Friends to revert into regular, non-sentient animals, which the others treat as Death of Personality. Kaban turns out to be mostly unharmed by the effect, as her base species is human to begin with.


Primal Fear:
All the Friends fear fire, but Kaban, as a human, is easily able to control it. Note that Brown Bear is less afraid, similar to her Real Life counterpart. Brown Bear and the owls teach the other Friends how to be less afraid of fire in Episode 12.


Previous Player-Character Cameo:
Mirai, the park guide from the mobile game, acts as The Ghost and her messages help guide Kaban on her Quest for Identity. Kaban herself is a human Friend born from a strand of hair that was on Mirai's hat as it blew away.


Puppet Shows:
The ending preview scenes are done puppet-style by PPP, the opening theme singers.


Quest for Identity:
Kaban and Serval are on a quest to discover what species Kaban is.


Red Oni, Blue Oni:
・Prairie Dog and Beaver. In Episode 5, the Beaver, being the blue, constantly plans ahead and has a great amount of knowledge on structural engineering, but, afraid of messing up, can't commit herself to action. The Prairie Dog, being the red, is a heads-on person who does things quick and efficient, but without the ability to think things through or a team to rely on, tends to mess up multiple times. It's through the collaboration of Beaver's planning and knowledge and Prairie Dog's quick work and teamwork dynamic that they become a very impressive construction team.
Raccoon is the red to Fennec's blue. Raccoon is desperately trying to chase down Kaban as fast as possible while Fennec just follows along trying to keep Raccoon out of trouble.


Robot Buddy:
The Lucky Beasts seems to have been created to serve as guides to Human Guests. They will never talk to Friends as protocol unless a human is in danger


Running Joke:
・"Please don't eat me!" "I won't eat you!" - Kaban and Serval's opening dialogue gets repeated several times.
・Several Friends are surprised that Lucky Beast (aka Boss) is now talking, although only to Kaban.

・「食べないでください!」「食べないよ!」 かばんとサーバルが最初に交わした会話が何度も繰り返される。

Science Hero:
Kaban is about as close as you can get with no education to speak of. She regularly save the day through quick thinking. Which is her Friend Special Attribute.


Seldom-Seen Species:
Hands up, how many people had heard of servals before? The animals featured are all over the place in terms of obscurity, ranging from very well-known (otter, lion), to nigh unheard-of (margay, campo flitter), and everywhere in-between.

※なおアリツカゲラの綴りが間違っている(正しくは”campo flicker”)

Silent Antagonist:
The Ceruleans.


Single-Stroke Battle:
Lion and Moose engage in this at the end of their first duel. The camera zooms out to reveal they popped each other's ball at the same time, resulting in a draw.


Plays whenever the topic switches to the Ontological Mystery surrounding the park.


Super Mode:
In the final battle, the Friends release their wild sides. Ass-kicking and Glowing Eyes ensue.


Support Party Member:
True to the game that inspired the anime, Kaban acts as a support character in the anime. While slow and clumsy, she's the one who comes up with ideas to make the Friends more effective. Plus, she's one of the few characters who can read.


Theme Music Power-Up:
The opening theme kicks in as the Friends power up for the battle with the black Cerulean.


Token Non-Human:
The Lucky Beasts, who are little robots that serve as guides.


Vegetarian Carnivore:
All the Friends eat Japari buns, which are made from crops and found everywhere. This allows carnivores and omnivores to be friends with herbivores without all that awkward killing and eating that would hurt friendships. Frankly even Humans can eat them too!


海の向こう、お約束の事象 〜TV Tropes ゆゆ式 全対訳〜

このエントリーは「ゆゆ式Advent Calendar 2016」14日目の記事です。

本記事はTV Tropes内のゆゆ式の記事を全対訳したものです。内容はなるべく原文の意図を汲むよう努めましたが、勢い超訳的な部分も多いので、鵜呑みにし過ぎないようお願いします。

TV Tropesとは

なぜTV Tropesを取り上げたのか
 TV Tropesでは様々な創作物が取り上げられ、日本のゲームやアニメも多数扱われています。作品によっては何百というトロープが列挙され、詳細な分析がされています。日本人にとってもお馴染みの表現から、海外の方ならではの視点もあって、非常に興味深いものです。私の好きなゆゆ式もそこに加えられており、他作品に比べると記事は小さいながらも、面白い分析・解説が散りばめられています。しかし残念なことに、TV Tropesには日本語版がないのです。それならゆゆ式に関わる部分だけでも訳してみよう、というのが今回の企画です。

TV Tropesの構成
 TV Tropesにはまず作品ごとのページがあります。そこから漫画、ゲーム、アニメ、キャラ、ギャグ、トリビア、疑問点などの大項目に分かれます。大項目ごとにトロープが列挙されており、各トロープに対する補足説明があります。トロープにはそれぞれ個別の記事が設けられており、列挙されたトロープのリンクをクリックすると飛ぶことができます。また、トロープの記事にも例として作品が挙げられており、そこから作品に飛ぶことが出来ます。

TV Tropesのゆゆ式の記事は5つの大項目に分かれます。すなわち、
5.YMMV(Your Mileage May Vary:公式外の部分、人によって意見の分かれる部分)

1.Characters / Yuyushiki
The characters in Yuyushiki anime/manga series. Character names are in Western order. Currently a WIP.

The main trio

Yui Ichii

Voiced by: Minami Tsuda

  • Deadpan Snarker
  • 皮肉屋さん
  • Laugh Themselves Sick: Her reaction to some of Yuzuko's jokes, which Yuzuko deliberately invokes.
  • おもろうて やがてダメージ 初心(うぶ)な破顔
    • ゆずこはよく唯を笑わせようとジョークを仕掛けており、時にそれがハマってこうなる。
  • The Cynic: Not her main trait, but significantly more so than Yukari or Yuzuko.'
  • 冷笑系
    • メインの特徴ではないが、縁・ゆずこと比べると明らかにそうである。
  • Tsundere: She's generally friendly, except when Yuzuko's antics gets on her nerves.
  • ツンデレ
    • 平素はデレだが、ゆずこのイタズラにカチンと来るとツンになる。
  • Tsurime Eyes
  • つり目

Yuzuko Nanohara

Voiced by: Rumi Ookubo

  • A-Cup Angst: Envies Matsumoto-sensei's breasts.
  • 乳貧すればどんよりする
    • 松本先生の胸が羨ましい
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: Gets distracted by a cat while going to a convenience store. Others blame it on the heat.
  • 注意力…たったの5か…ゴミめ…。私の注意力は、始終散漫です。(ADHD傾向にあるキャラに必要以上に突飛な行動をさせたり、過剰な演出を加えるもの)
    • コンビニに行く途中で猫に気を取られて道を踏み外す。が、唯と縁はそれが暑さのせいということにしている。
  • Blank White Eyes: So common that it often crops up in rather normal situations.
  • 白目
    • あまりに常用されすぎて、割と普通のシーンでも現れるようになっている。
  • Boyish Short Hair
  • ボーイッシュな短髪
  • Cat Smile
  • ねこ口
  • Expressive Hair
  • ヘアー、口ほどに物を言う(髪に意思があるかのような動きをさせて、キャラの感情を表現する手法)
  • Meganekko: Though she rarely wears it as she doesn't want people to think her as smart, despite scoring well in tests.
  • メガネっ娘
    • ただし頭が良いと思われたくないと言い、滅多に掛けない(テストの成績はいいのに)
  • Pungeon Master: She generally starts, and Yuzuko joins in much to the chagrin of Yui.
  • 諧謔原則の支配(言葉遊びが得意なキャラ)
    • 言葉遊びは概ね彼女が起点となって始まり、唯が悔しがるほどのレベルとなる
  • You Gotta Have Pink Hair
  • 髪々の黄昏(淡紅:アースガルズの朝焼け)

Yukari Hinata

Voiced by: Risa Taneda

  • A-Cup Angst: Just like Yuzuko
  • 乳貧すればどんよりする
    • ゆずこと同じ
  • Black Bead Eyes: Closer to Black Rectangular Eyes, but her expression when something is odd.
  • 黒い点目
    • 黒い長方形の目と言った方が近い。何か奇妙なこと等があった時に現れる。
  • Imagine Spot: Has one in almost every episode.
  • 画像はあくまでイメージです(想像遊び)
    • ほぼ全ての回で。
  • The Prankster: Don't be fooled by her appearance.
  • いたずら者
    • 見た目に騙されてはいけない
  • Tareme Eyes
  • タレ目
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair
  • 髪々の黄昏(紺碧:ナイン・レルムズが沈む海)

The secondary trio

Chiho Aikawa
Voiced by: Ai Kayano

Fumi Hasegawa
Voiced by: Mana Shimizu

Kei Okano
Voiced by: Megumi Han


Yoriko "Okaa-san" Matsumoto
Voiced by: Yui Horie

  • In-Series Nickname: Okaa-san (Mom). She initially dislikes it as she isn't even thirty, but stops minding over the course of the show.
  • 作品内ニックネーム(作品内で実際に用いられているニックネーム)
    • お母さん(ママー!)。当初はまだ30にもなってないのに嫌だなと思っていたが、そのうち彼女は考えるのをやめた。
  • Nice Girl: By far the friendliest character in the show.
  • うーん、良い人は いいぞ。
    • 作品内きっての人当たりの良さ。

2.Laconic / Yuyushiki

Cute girls with similar names doing cute things like reading That Other Wiki.
(※「Cute Girls Doing Cute Things:可愛い女の子達が可愛いことをするだけの作品≒萌え豚向け日常系作品」というスラングをもじったもの)

3.Manga / Yuyushiki

The Data Processing Club, from left to right: Yukari, Yui and Yuzuko
Yuyushiki ("The YuYu Style") is a four-panel manga by Komata Mikami and serialised in Manga Time Kirara. Kinema Citrus adapted it into an anime, which aired during the Spring 2013 Anime season. It was simulcast on Crunchyroll
and can be watched on The Anime Network .
ゆゆ式("ザ・ゆゆスタイル")」は三上小又が描く4コマ漫画。まんがタイムきららにて連載されている。キネマシトラスがアニメ化し、2013年の春シーズンに放映された。Crunchyrollでも同時放映された。The Anime Networkでも視聴できる。

Upon starting life at an all-girls high school, Yui, Yuzuko, and Yukari revitalise the formerly derelict data processing club. Spending most of their days looking up obscure or unusual things, their ordinary lives are often accompanied by unusual puns and various antics. The unusual friendship between Yui, Yuzuko and Yukari allow for the three to find peculiar humour in the most mundane of observations, and also sets the stage for a Romantic Two-Girl Friendship (or even three-girl) dynamics.

Yuyushiki provides examples of:

  • All Girls Love Is Unrequited: Yuzuko and Yukari like Yui, generally exhibits tsundere behaviour towards both (but has a protective instinct towards Yukari that could be like-like, or could be seeing her as a kid). They also like Chiho, who doesn't seem to notice, and she doesn't notice her friend's attraction to her, either. Chiho likes Yui, who, in turn, doesn't seem to notice.
  • 百合的一方通行<アクセユリーター>(複数の人物間で片想いが連鎖する状態、の女性限定版)
    • ゆずこ、縁は唯が好きであるが、唯は平素どちらにもツンデレ的な振る舞いをしている(ただし唯は縁に対して保護本能的な好意感情というか、子供に接するような姿勢を持っている)。これは千穂にもあてはまる。千穂は友人の彼女に対する好意に気付いておらず、また気づく気配もない。同様に、千穂は唯が好きだが、唯の側は気づく素振りもない。
  • Alphabetical Theme Naming: In keeping with the title, which begins with "Yu-", each of Yui, Yuzuko and Yukari's names also begin with "Yu-".
  • イニシャル遊び
    • タイトルにあるように、唯、ゆずこ、縁の名前はいずれも「ゆ」で始まる
  • Arranged Marriage: Suggesting that this is what her future entail, Yukari appears to be okay with an arranged marriage.

Yukari: The eldest son works to make the house rich and prosperous, while I strengthen our familial bonds.

  • 許婚
    • 縁は自らの生まれから将来的に負う務めとして、許婚的なものを受け入れるような態度を見せている。縁曰く「お兄ちゃんが働いて家を豊かにして、私が周りの絆を強くする」
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: Yuzuko and Yukari are easily distracted, switching topics mid-conversation whenever something new catches their attention.
  • 注意力…たったの5か…ゴミめ…。私の注意力は、始終散漫です。
    • ゆずこと縁はすぐあっちこっちに気を逸らし、面白そうな新しいネタを見つけるな否や、会話の途中でも構わずそちらに焦点を替えてしまう。
  • Bare Your Midriff: While their shirts are of normal length, the girls do tend to show their navels quite often
  • ヘソ出し
    • 彼女たちの制服のトップスは普通の丈だが、隙あらばヘソを見せるような立ち回りをする。
  • Beach Episode: The second half of the final episode follows the girls' day at the beach after they manage to convince a reluctant Yui into joining them.
  • 海回(水着回
    • 最終話の後半、乗り気でない唯をゆずこと縁がなだめすかして一緒に海へ行ったエピソードが描かれている。
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Yuzuko states that she's seen Yoriko becomes uncharacteristically angry at a student shockingly angry at another student… However, Yuzuko does not disclose the cause and moreover, the audience never sees it.
  • 温和な人にご用心(普段大人しい人ほど怒ると怖い法則)
    • 頼子がとある生徒に対して常ならぬ怒り方をしているのを、ゆずこは目撃したという。しかしゆずこはその原因を明らかにせず、視聴者もその場面を見ることはない。
  • Bland-Name Product:
    • The search engine the girls use is called "HooYa!", with a design similar to that of Google's.
    • Yui occasionally orders various things from "Tamazon."
    • The girls are shown drinking bottles of "Coka-Cola."
    • When Yukari was in the second grade, she brought Jelly Belly-like jelly beans to a school picnic.
    • Yuzuko buys some Heegan-Dazs ice cream in the second episode.
    • In episode nine, Yuzuko and Yukari buy snacks at a Lavson (Lawson).
  • どこかで聞いたような名前
    • サーチエンジンの名前が「HooYa!」そしてデザインがGoogleのそれに酷似している
    • 唯が時々ネットショッピングに使う「Tamazon」
    • 「Coka-Cola」なる飲料を飲んでいる
    • 小学校2年の時の遠足で、縁が「Jelly Belly」のようなジェリービーンズを持って行っている
    • ゆずこが2話で買った「Heegan-Dazs」なるアイスクリーム
    • 9話でゆずこと縁がお菓子を買ったLavson(Lawsonのもじり)
  • Blank White Eyes: Each of the characters are subject to thus whenever a particularly outlandish joke or event has occurred, and Yuzuko is most prone to exhibiting this reaction.
  • 白目
    • メインの3人はいずれも奇妙奇天烈なジョークや出来事に直面するとこの状態になる。特にゆずこはこのリアクションを取りやすい傾向にある。
  • Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Yui, Yukari and Yuzuko have blonde, blue and red-pink hair colours, respectively, and as such, are -immediately differentiable from one another.
  • 金髪、黒髪、赤い髪(メインキャラの髪色を視認性の高い別々の3色にすること。表題の3色の他にも赤青黄の3色が多く用いられる)
    • 唯、縁、ゆずこはそれぞれ金髪、青髪、赤ピンク髪であり、ぱっと見ですぐ識別できる。
  • Bookends: The first episode opens with Yui, Yuzuko and Yukari heading to a new semester, and the finale sees the three heading off to another semester of high school; in both cases, Yuzuko engages in a staring contest with a cat.
  • ブックエンド(物語の最初と最後によく似た場面を挿入する技法。最初と最後に同じものを配置して全体を整えることを本立てになぞらえて「ブックエンド」と呼ばれる。開始時と終了時で何かが変化したこと、あるいは変化していないことを、分かりやすく示すために有効な技法のひとつである)
    • 第1話は唯、ゆずこ、縁が新学期に登校する所から始まる。そして最終話の最後も3人がまた別の新学期に登校するシーンで締めくくられる。どちらの場面でも、ゆずこが猫とにらめっこしている。
  • Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Yuzuko and Yukari fulfil the role of the jokers, while Yui acts as the straight-man in response to the former's antics.
  • 毎度おなじみボケ・ツッコミ
    • ゆずこと縁がおふざけをする役割をこなし、唯がそれに応える形で常識人として振る舞う。
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Yuzuko waves at the camera, while Yui and Yukari take a moment to look at the camera as the ending credits come to a close.
  • 最後のガラスをぶち破れ(視聴者を意識したキャラの言動)
    • エンディングの最後にゆずこがカメラに向かって手を振り、数拍あった後に唯と縁もカメラの方を向く
  • Camera Abuse: As an in-universe instance, several photos taken during Yukari's vacation are marred by insects crawling on the camera lens.
  • カメラ遊び(画面を揺らしたり画面にヒビを入れたりして、作品内での物理的・心理的な動揺・衝撃を表現すること。広義的にはカメラの存在を意識させるような表現全般を表す)
    • 作品内での表現であるが、縁がバケーション中に撮った写真の中に虫がやたらと映り込んでいる
  • Cat Girl: The bonus episodes accompanying the Blu-Rays recast Yui, Yuzuko and Yukari as cat girls
  • にゃん娘
    • ブルーレイ特典のおまけエピソードで唯、ゆずこ、縁がにゃん娘になっている
  • Cat Smile: Yuzuko smiles in this manner during the first episode while waiting for Yui.
  • ねこ口
    • ゆずこが1話で唯を待つ時にねこ口になっている
  • Censor Steam: The first episode makes extensive use of steam to cover the school's name and their class number.
  • ブルーレイでは消える湯気(または謎の光)
    • 1話で学校の名前とクラスの番号を隠すために光が使われている
  • Childhood Friends: Yui and Yukari
  • 幼馴染
    • 唯と縁
  • Class Representative: Aikawa
  • 委員長
    • 相川さん
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Kei clings to Chiho in a literal sense

◊ and is determined that no one else gets closer to her.

  • SBJK(嫉妬深い女子高生)
    • 佳が千穂に対して、文字通り(※千穂に抱き付くシーンの話。clingは元々ぴったりくっ付く、しがみ付くことを意味し、そこから依存性や粘着質を指す意味が派生した)。悪い虫がつかないように振る舞っている。
  • Cloud Cuckoolander: Yuzuko and Yukari typically are off in their own world, but Yui occasionally succumbs whenever she's sleep-deprived.
  • 玄人撹乱者(発想や言動が普通でない人。主として悪意のない破天荒さで物語を引っ掻き回す人物を指す。元は古代アテネの喜劇作家アリストパネスの作品「鳥」に登場する、雲の間に作られた想像上の都市Cloud-cuckoo-landに由来する表現)
    • いつもはゆずこと縁が好き勝手な世界観を展開しているが、唯も睡眠不足の時などは不覚にもそれに巻き込まれてしまう。
  • Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: Yui inadvertently finds herself having to keep Yuzuko and Yukari in check on account of the latter two's tendencies to become lost in their world.
  • 玄人撹乱者のお目付役
    • ゆずこと縁があまりにも素っ頓狂なことばかりするがために、唯は図らずも常に二人から目を離さぬよう立ち回ってしまう。
  • Club Stub: The Data Processing Club had been on the verge of being shut down, but thrives when Yui, Yuzuko and Yukari join.
  • この部、部活やめるってよ(主に部員数不足により潰れかけている部活)
    • 情報処理部は廃部寸前であったが、唯、ゆずこ、縁が入部したことで活発な活動を取り戻した
  • Comic Trio: Yuzuko is the leader, Yukari is the ditz and Yui is the voice of reason.
  • 漫才トリオ
    • ゆずこが音頭取り、縁が天然ボケ、そして唯が「理性の声」(冷静な判断を促す人物)
  • Contemplate Our Navels: While generally light-hearted, one episode has the girls wondering what death itself is, asking whether or not: "…will we be able to see our death coming?", as well as whether or not they would be "with our dearests in the afterlife?" In keeping with the atmosphere surrounding Yuyushiki, that episode ends on an optimistic note.
  • 考える人ごっこ(深く何かを考えているように振る舞いつつ、実際には大したことを考えていない状態)
    • ゆゆ式は全体的にはほんわかした話であるが、とある回で彼女たちは死について考える。「私たち、死ぬ時も一緒かな?」と問いかけ、また「死んだ後も一緒だったりするかな」とも問う。しかしゆゆ式らしい雰囲気は保ったまま、話の最後は楽観的な言葉を残して終わる。
  • Couch Gag: In the anime's ending credits, the surroundings and people the girls pass by change with each episode.
  • カウチギャグ(OPやEDに毎回違う様々なネタを仕込んでいること。アニメ・シンプソンズの毎回変わるOPネタがカウチ(ソファー)に座りながら行われることから生まれた言葉。広義的にはギャグのみでなく、単純に毎回OPないしEDが変わることを指す)
    • アニメのエンディングにおいて、3人が歩いていく周りに表れる人や物が回によって変わる。
  • Cranial Eruption: Swelling from the head sometimes replaces the Instant Bandages seen after the girls hit one another.
  • マンガ的たんこぶ
    • 叩かれた所が膨らむ。即効絆創膏(後述)が使われる場合もある。
  • Credits Running Sequence: The three main girls do this briefly in the opening.
  • ED(OP)で走る作品は名作
    • メインの3人がオープニングでちょっと走る
  • Curtains Match the Window: Each of Yui, Yuzuko and Yukari's eye colours match their hair colours.
  • 和合調度 窓掛け×窓(目の色と髪の色がマッチしていることを指す表現。元々は「does the carpet match the drapes?(そのカーペット、ドレープと合ってなくない?=髪染めてるでしょ?)」というスラングから来ている(※ドレープ:薄地のカーテンの上に掛ける厚地のカーテン)。ちなみにマッチしている例としてプリキュア5が挙げられている)
    • 唯、ゆずこ、縁は目の色と髪の色がマッチしている
  • Cuteness Proximity: In the first episode, Yuzuko notices a cat jumping onto a moped and freezes to avoid frightening the cat away.
  • 語彙散失接近遭遇(可愛いものに遭遇した時のショックで語彙力が著しく低下してしまう現象)
    • 1話においてゆずこがモペッド(ペダル付オートバイ)に飛び乗った猫に遭遇。猫が怖がって逃げたらいけないと思い、何もできずに固まってしまう。
  • Dead Pan Snarker: Yui frequently supplies commentary on her friends' actions to outline their ridiculousness.
  • かおいろ かえない 皮肉屋さん♪ 戯言遊びの 皮肉屋さん♪(dead panとはポーカーフェイスのこと。snarkとはsnide remark(嫌味、皮肉)を略して動詞化したもの)
    • 唯はいつもゆずこ・縁の頓珍漢な言動を上手に総括してみせる
  • Disney Creatures of the Farce: During a flashback, Yukari depicted as bearing attributes similar to those of Disney Princesses, including the Friend to All Living Things component, although she's perturbed by the attention that the animals give her.
  • 鼠色チャバンと生物遣い(生き物たちが都合よく主人公の近くに集まって歌ったり踊ったり雑用したりする、ディズニーアニメにありがちな茶番シーンの総称)
    • 回想シーンにおいて縁は動物を惹きつけるディズニーのお姫様のように描かれている。しかし彼女は集まってくる動物たちに狼狽えている。
  • Ditzy Genius: Yui sees Yuzuko as such; while the latter performs reasonably well academically, Yui remarks that:

"She really is pretty smart. It's her ideas that are dumb."

  • 天然ものの天才
    • 唯はゆずこをこう評価している。テストの成績が良かったことを受けて「実際けっこう(頭が)いいのに、発想がアホだ」と言っている。
  • Double Entendre: A surprisingly bold instance can be found when Yuzuko and Yukari fantasize about Yui's "delicious little bean."
  • (意味深)
    • これ以上なく分かり易い例が、ゆずこと縁が唯に対して妄想したこの台詞である「唯ちゃんのいいとこのお豆」
  • E = MC Hammer: In-universe, Yuzuko finds the Zeller's Congruence

formula and, while understanding its application, cannot utilise it herself.

  • 博士のゆるふわ愛され数式(意味はよく分からないけど使ってみた数式)
    • ゆずこは「ツェラーの公式」を発見し、何に使うものかは分かったものの、実際に使いこなすことは出来ない。
  • Even the Girls Want Her: In a series where yuri is prevalent, two notable examples stand out:

Yui is idolised by Yukari, Yuzuko, and Aikawa
Aikawa herself is idolised by everyone save Yui

  • 男人尚もて彼女を恋ふ。いわんや女人をや。(男性だけでなく女性からもちやほやされる女性キャラ)
    • 百合的表現が随所に見られる作品であるが、特に以下の2例が特徴的である
      • 唯が縁、ゆずこ、相川からアイドル扱いされている
      • 相川が唯を除く全員からアイドル扱いされている
  • Everything's Better with Monkeys: The unique scent from Natto

inexplicably causes both Yukari and Yuzuko to dream about gorillas. They subsequently start making gorilla-related puns in their text messages.

  • ITサルーション(いいから 取り敢えず 猿を出しておけ)
    • 納豆の独特な匂いを嗅いで、どういう訳か縁とゆずこがどちらもゴリラの夢を見る。さらにそれを受けてメールでゴリラにまつわる言葉遊びを始める。
  • Expospeak Gag: When Yuzuko learns that water can be alternately referred to as "oxidane," she made up lines like "pour oxidane on dumplings, then cover", intimidating both Yui and Yukari in the process.
  • 日本語でおk(わざと小難しい言葉や一般的でない表現を用いた遊び)
    • ゆずこが「水」の代替表現として「オキシダン」を知ったことから、「並べた餃子にオキシダンをかけて、蓋をします」というような言い回しをして唯と縁を怖がらせる。
  • Eyes Always Shut: Yukari fluctuates between having her eyes open and closed, being seen in both states with roughly the same frequency.
  • 糸目キャラ
    • 縁はよく目を開いた状態と閉じた状態を行き来する。おおよそどちらの状態も同程度の頻度で現れる。
  • Faceless Masses: While background characters are not coloured, they nonetheless are depicted with the same level detail as the protagonists.
  • 顔のないモブ
    • モブキャラはモノクロで描かれている。にもかかわらず、主人公たちとほぼ同程度にディテールが描かれている。
  • Fanservice: The camera occasionally lingers on the girls' legs and navel region, but otherwise, the fanservice is relatively disciplined.
  • ファンサービス
    • カメラが時々彼女たちの脚やヘソの辺りを映す。しかしながら、ファンサービスは割と控えめである。
  • Friend to All Living Things: Yukari possesses an uncommon ability to attract animals around her.
  • 生きてる奴はだいたい友達
    • 縁は動物を惹きつける特殊能力を持っている。
  • Genki Girl: Yuzuko is very excitable and gives off plenty of energy, often prompting Yukari to become as energised in the process.
  • 元気があるガール
    • ゆずこは非常にヒャッハーしやすい性質で、膨大なエネルギーを振りまいている。時として縁もその興奮の渦に巻き込んだりする。
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: Some might interpret the "little bean" Double Entendre as referencing the clitoris.
  • SJW(ソーシャル・ジャスティス・ウォリアー)案件(厳密にはSJWの糾弾を受けて修正・削除の憂き目に遭った作品・表現を指す)
    • 一部の人が「いいとこのお豆(意味深)」をクリトリスとして解釈している。
  • Gratuitous English: Yuzuko's fond of English phrases, exclaiming "Rucky girr!" ("Lucky girl") in several instances, and also says "Wow!" several times during the finale.
  • ペンパイナッポーアッポーペン(脈略のない突然の英語)
    • ゆずこは英語のフレーズが好きで、「ルァッキーガァルル!(ラッキーガール)」みたいなことを叫んだり、最終話では「ワオ!」と何度も叫んだりする。
  • Hero of Another Story: Aikawa and her friends occasionally interact with the main cast, and some moments are spent depicting the conversation she shares with them.
  • 君の知らない物語(主人公以外のキャラに焦点を当てたお話)
    • 相川とその友人たちのシーンがメイン3人の会話劇の間にちょくちょく挟み込まれる。また、彼女たちがメイン3人と一緒に会話するシーンも幾度となく描かれている。
  • Hime Cut: Reflecting on her Ojou background, Yukari sports such a haircut.
  • 姫カット
    • 縁のお嬢様な出自に姫カットが花を添えている。
  • Imagine Spot: The girls enjoy utilising their imaginations; for instance, Yukari imagines that she's the sun and her pinky finger would represent Jupiter, during the first episode.
  • 画像はあくまでイメージです
    • 彼女たちはイメージを駆使して沢山の遊びをしている。例えば縁は第1話において自分を太陽に見立て、木星を小指に当てはめている。
  • In Universe Nickname: Yoriko Matsumoto, one of the girls' teachers, is affectionately referred to as "Mom" (okaa-san).
  • 作品内ニックネーム
    • 彼女たちの先生である松本頼子は、親しみを込めて「お母さん」と呼ばれている。
  • Inherently Funny Words:

Yui bursts into laughter whenever someone says "potato"
Yuzuko finds the term "Bread person" remarkably amusing

  • やめてくれ その口述は 俺に効く(何でもない言葉がおかしくて仕方なくなる現象)
    • 誰かが「ポテト」と言う度に噴き出してしまう唯。
    • 「パン人間」が可笑しくて堪らないゆずこ。
  • Instant Bandages: These bandages appear whenever Yui hits one of her friends. During one moment, they're shown to slide off Yuzuko's head, rather than disappearing, when she looks up suddenly.
  • 即効絆創膏(打撃を受けた箇所に絆創膏が表れる漫画的表現)
    • 唯が誰かを叩くと必ずこの絆創膏が表れる。そしてぱっと見上げるとゆずこの頭から剥がれ落ちるのが見える(突然消えたりはしない)
  • Limited Animation: This is applied when the girls first run across the screen during the beginning of the opening song, and used again during the ending song while they're walking.
  • 低フレームレートアニメ
    • オープニングの初めの方で少女たちが画面を走って横切る場面に適用されている。また、エンディングの歩く場面にも使われている。
  • Love You and Everybody: During episode five, Yukari's use of "suki" on Yui sounds quite similar to a Love Confession. While it usually means "to be fond of", it has romantic implications when used in the context of people, leaving Yui to try and explain the term's usage to Yukari.
  • 「好き」の大安売り(誰にでも平気で好きと言う人)
    • 第5話で縁が唯に対して言う「好き」は恋慕の類に極めて近い響きがある。普段の彼女の「好き」は単に「好みである」という意味だが、人に対して使われる場合は情愛の意を含む。そして唯は流されるままに縁に対して同様な好意表現を返すことになる。
  • Marshmallow Hell: In episode two, Yukari imagines doing this to Matsumoto-sensei.
  • マシュマロ地獄(豊満な女性の胸に顔を埋める状況。特におねショタ等埋める側が年少者である場合が多い。ラッキースケベ的なものより、意図して抱きしめるような状況を指し、ほんわかする表現である場合が多い。ちなみに語源はネギま!である)
    • 第2話において、縁がイメージの中で松本先生に対してこれを行う。
  • Meganekko: Yuzuko has glasses but is rarely seen with them on the basis that she does not wish to look smart.
  • 眼鏡っ娘
    • ゆずこは眼鏡を所持しているが、着用しているシーンは滅多にない。なぜなら彼女は頭が良いと思われたくないのである。
  • Mood Whiplash: Yui and friends also discuss the meaning of death in one episode, and how it separates one those precious to them. Subsequently, they resolve to live while the others are still alive.
  • 鞭声粛々ノリ俄に変わる(鞭を打つように突然で衝撃的なムードの変化)
    • ある回で唯たちは、死の意味について、大事な人がいなくなる時はどんな感じなのかについて議論する。それを受けて、最後は「他の二人が死ぬまでは死なない」という結論に至る。
  • Mundane Made Awesome: Yukari tripping in the first episode.
  • マンデンライフ(平凡な日常)のこんなのあったっけ(日常の何気ないシーンを過剰な演出で仰々しく描くお遊び的な表現)
    • 縁が第1話でこの状態になる(壁にぶつかるシーンのスロー表現)
  • Ojou: Yui imagined Yukari to be from a wealthy family when they'd first met during in second grade, and while this is true, Yukari does not have the demeanour or manner of a typical Ojou.
  • お嬢様
    • 唯は小学校2年生で縁に初めて会った時、彼女のことを良家の生まれと想像していた。果たしてそれは正しかったが、縁はいわゆるお嬢様がするような振る舞いや仕草は特にしていなかった。
  • One-Gender School: The high school that Yui, Yuzuko and Yukari attend is an all-girls school, hence the absence of male classmates.
  • 女子校
    • 唯、ゆずこ、縁が通っている高校は女子校であるため、クラスメイトには男子がいない。
  • Only Sane Man: Yui attempts to keep cool, but when pushed, she herself may partake in antics her own, or else go along with Yuzuko and Yukari's actions.
  • たったひとりの冴えたあの方
    • 唯は努めて平静を装っているが、ゆずこや縁に乗せられて寸劇の一役を担ったり、同じ遊びに興じたりもする。
  • The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A recruitment poster notes that the "Data Processing Club" is intended provide instruction on basic computer skills necessary for career searching, but for the most part, the girls spend their time browsing the internet and hanging around.
  • 海賊ごっこ(見た目や名前だけが立派で中身が伴わない人物や集団)
    • 「情報処理部」の部員募集ポスターは就職活動に必須となるコンピュータの基礎スキル習得を謳っていたが、活動のほとんどはネットサーフィンをしたり、だらだらしたりという時間に費やされている。
  • Potty Emergency: Yuzuko experiences substantial discomfort after Yui stops her from going to the bathroom in episode five.
  • 用場危機(トイレに行きたいのに行けない状況を取り上げたコメディ)
    • 5話でゆずこがトイレに行こうとするのを唯が妨害し、ゆずこは抜き差しならない状態に陥る
  • Proper Tights with a Skirt: This is Yukari's standard outfit.
  • タイツがあるから恥ずかしくないもん(上品なタイプのキャラにタイツを穿かせることで、スカートが短めでもはしたなく見えない効果)
    • 縁の標準装備である
  • Pungeon Master: Yuzuko takes every opportunity to make puns about most everything, much to Yui's exasperation.
  • パンはパンでも食べられないパンはpun(言葉遊び)だ
    • ゆずこは隙あらば何でも言葉遊びにしようとする。そして往々にして唯の怒りを買う。
  • Puni Plush: Befitting the series' gentle atmosphere, the characters of Yuyushiki feature curved lines in their designs.
  • ぷに(萌え属性
    • ゆゆ式キャラの造形は作品のやわらかい雰囲気にふさわしい仕上がりになっている
  • Rule of Perception: During one Eye Catch, Yuzuko prepares to pitch a ball to a bat-wielding Yui. At the last second, she pulls out a basketball, leaving behind questions of how she managed to hide said basketball from Yui.
  • それは言わないお約束
    • あるアイキャッチで、バットを構える唯に対してゆずこは投擲の構えを取る。そしてゆずこはバスケットボールを取り出すのだが、どうやって唯からボールが見えないよう隠していたのか、という疑問は置き去りにされたままである。
  • Sheltered Aristocrat: A younger Yui found it embarrassing to have Yukari over at her house, worried that Yukari would not be impressed.
  • 箱入り娘
    • 幼い唯は、縁が自分の家に遊びに来たとき恥ずかしさを覚え、変な印象を残したくないとそわそわしていた。
  • Schoolgirl Series: Yuyushiki deals predominantly with the lives of three high school students.
  • 学園もの
    • ゆゆ式の大部分は3人の学園生活を描くものである
  • Sensei-chan: Yoriko Matsumoto is quite close with her students; after Yuzuko and Yukari decide to call her "Mom", the other students soon follow suit.
  • 教えてせんせいちゃん(友達みたいな先生)
    • 松本頼子は生徒たちと近しい関係にある。ゆずこと縁が「お母さん」と呼ぶようになると、他の生徒たちもそれに追随してきた。
  • Shout-Out:
    • In the first episode, when Yoriko asks the students to name their favourite English words, one of the student replies with "Stone Cold".
    • Yuzuko shouts "Maunder Minimum!" as if she's using an attack and Yukari says that she's "burning her cosmo", although Yuzuko and Yui don't understand the reference.
    • In episode seven, the girls discuss the eyesight of cats, with Yukari commenting that they must see the Green Jacket version very well, and Yuzuko adds that "Cagliostro is the cat's meow!".
  • 心が叫びたがってるんだ(シャウト系の一発ネタ)
    • 第1話において、頼子が生徒に好きな英単語を訪ねた時、ある生徒が「ストーンコールド」と言う
    • ゆずこが「マウンダー極小期」と必殺技のように叫び、縁は「コスモを燃やすね」と返す。が、ゆずこと唯はその返しの意味が分からない。
    • 第7話において、猫の目の話題になった時。縁が「(猫にとっては)緑ジャケットの方が鮮やかに見えちゃうね」、と言った所にゆずこが「カリオストロは名作だニャー」と付け加える。
  • Shrinking Violet: Chiho wishes to make friends with the heroines, and despite being the class president, is initially terrified of approaching them.
  • 岩間にひっそり咲くスミレ(内気、恥ずかしがり屋、引っ込み思案。ワーズワースの「ルーシーの歌」に歌われるスミレのような人)
    • 千穂は主人公たちと友達になりたいと思っていた。しかし委員長でありながら、初めはおそるおそる彼女たちに近づいていた。
  • Sleepyhead: Yukari is not a morning person; she walks into a wall outside her home moments after setting out for school during the first episode.
  • こっくりこっくりさん
    • 縁は朝が弱く、第1話で家を出て学校へ歩き出してすぐに家の壁にぶつかってしまう。
  • Slice of Life: This show follows Yui, Yuzuko, and Yukari's everyday experiences as the sole members of their school's Data Processing club.
  • 日常系
    • この作品は、唯、ゆずこ、縁の3人をフルメンバーとした情報処理部の日々の出来事を描くお話である
  • Straight Girl / Only Sane Woman: Yui and Chiho serve these roles among their group of friends.
  • 真面目キャラ、数少ない常識人
    • 唯と千穂は各々のグループにおいてこの役目を担っている
  • Stupid Statement Dance Mix: The girls turn the phrase ""Just kidding" just slipped out!" into an impromptu song during episode two as an in-universe example.
  • びっくりするほどユートピア!(謎のフレーズに合わせて踊りだす人々)
    • 第2話の中で3人は「なーんつってっつっちゃった」を即興歌に仕立て上げていた
  • Tap on the Head: Yuzuko is quite fond of hitting others in their cranium, and at one point, she attempts to knock Yui out with a chop to the neck a few episodes later, only to receive a stern lecture about how the move doesn't work in real life and instead can lead to serious injuries.
  • 親父にもぶたれたことないのに(頭部へのツッコミを含むどつき系掛け合い)
    • ゆずこは何かにつけて人の頭蓋等に打撃を与えるのが好きで、唯の首をチョップしてノックアウトしようとしたこともあった。が、その技は現実では通用せず、ただ単にめちゃくちゃ痛いだけである、ということが分かっただけであった。
  • Technicolor Eyes: Yuzuko's red eyes are mentioned as being quite rare, but Yui and Yukari's respective yellow and purple eyes go unnoticed.
  • 奇異の目色
    • ゆずこの赤い目は極めて珍しいことで話題に上っている。しかし、唯と縁もそれぞれ黄色と紫の目をしているにも関わらず、それには触れられていない。
  • Thanks for the Mammary: Yuzuko grabs Yui in this manner during the second episode and later imagines doing the same to Matsumoto-sensei.
  • 人の子ら乳に感謝せよ(胸部接触ラッキースケベ
    • ゆずこは第2話において唯の胸を鷲掴みにしている。また、その後松本先生に対しても同様なことをする想像をしている。
  • Threesome Subtext: Yui, Yuzuko and Yukari appear very close to one another, far more than ordinary friends would be, and this does not go unnoticed by their classmates.
  • 三人はどういう集まりなんだっけ?(怪しい関係を匂わせる三人組)
    • 唯、ゆずこ、縁は一般的な友人関係に比べてずっと親密なように見える。クラスメイトたちもそれに気づいているようである。
  • Those Two Girls:
    • Yukari and Yuzuko act as such despite being two of the three protagonists; they both have similar personalities and think alike whenever it comes to executing their pranks.
    • Similarly, Chiho's two friends fit this role for her side of the story. They aren't initially given names or any distinct attributes, but by episode six, they're introduced: Fumi is the joker of the trio, and Kei desires to keep Chiho for herself.
  • 凸凹コンビ(対照的な特徴を持ちながら気の合う2人。脇役を指す場合が多く、物語にアクセントを与えたり、重たい雰囲気を和らげたり、さりげなく状況説明をしたりする等の機能的な役目を担うことがままある)
    • 縁とゆずこはメイン3人のうちの2人であるものの、これに当てはまる。即ち2人はそっくりな性格をしており、いたずらを決行する時はいつもよく似た発想に至るのである。
    • 同様に千穂の二人の友人も、焦点を当てられた時はこのような状態になっている。二人は当初名前もこれといった特徴も与えられていなかったが、第6話において紹介がなされる。ふみは3人のボケ役であり、佳は独力で千穂を守ろうとしている。
  • Triang Relations: There is semblance of a Type 9 triangle amongst Yui, Yuzuko and Yukari; Yukari and Yuzuko clearly have a thing for Yui, who doesn't seem to be in love with either, but does remark that she finds both of them very cute. Yukari and Yuzuko don't appear to compete over Yui and are often rather affectionate towards one other, as well. At one point, Yuzuko flirts with Yui when it's just the two of them, only to find it very awkward; it appears the romance is only effectual with all three girls present.
  • 三角関係(好意の方向の組み合わせによって類型化がなされており、全部で13種類のタイプがある。詳しくは元サイトを参照のこと。なお、13という数字は意図的にそうされた訳ではなく、実際に可能な組み合わせを数え上げると13種類になる)
    • 唯、ゆずこ、縁の関係はタイプ9の状態に近い。縁とゆずこは唯に対して明らかに好意を向けている。唯はそのどちらとも相愛には至っていないが、二人のことを可愛いと思っている。縁とゆずこはともに唯を巡って争うようなことはせず、どちらかと言えば互いに思いあうような関係にある。ある時、ゆずこは唯と二人きりになった際に抜け駆け的なものを画策するが、何となく気まずくなるだけであった。どうもこの三角関係は、3人が揃っている時にしか効果を表さないようである。
  • Tsundere: Yui usually is quite friendly; it's Yuzuko that primarily acts as the trigger for her more violent reactions.
  • ツンデレ
    • 唯は普段はごくごく普通に振る舞っている。彼女が暴力的な行動に出る場面は、概ねゆずこの行動が引き金になっている。
  • Tsurime Eyes: Whereas most of the other girls have rounder eyes, Yui's eyes are more angular.
  • 吊り目
    • 大抵のキャラは丸っこい目をしているが、唯の目は吊りあがっている。
  • Two-Teacher School: While there definitely are other instructors at the girls' school, Matsumoto is the only one who is depicted with any frequency.
  • 先生多くして不明数多にのぼる(多くの教師がいるはずの学校で1人2人程度の先生しか描かれないこと)
    • 舞台となる女子校には間違いなく多くの教師がいるはずだが、いつも描かれるのは松本先生ばかりである。
  • Why Did You Make Me Hit You?: This occurs purely for comedy during the second episode, where Yuzuko grabs Yui's chest. In response, Yui aims a punch that the former barely dodges. Yuzuko then remarks that the person throwing a punch is hurt just as much as the one getting hit, so Yui tells her to make a fist. She then proceeds to grab her fist, and makes Yuzuko hit herself repeatedly. Yuzuko promises not to tease Yui again for the present.
  • 殴らせるようなことをするお前が悪い(他害癖がある人物の常套句)
    • 第2話、ゆずこが唯の胸を掴んだ際に、あくまでコメディとして適用された。ゆずこの暴挙に対して唯はカウンターパンチを放つが、ゆずこはすんでの所で回避する。「殴った方も殴られた方と同じだけ痛い」というゆずこの言を受けて、唯はゆずこに拳を握らせる。そして握った手を掴み、ゆずこ自身に繰り返し繰り返し打ち付ける。ゆずこは唯に対して(当面の間は)いたずらをしないと約束する。
  • Yuri: While most of these dynamics are implicit early on, the friendship between Yui, Yuzuko and Yukari become plainly romantic in nature by the seventh episode, and one Eye Catch reinforces this notion by depicting Yuzuko and Yukari in the midst of an Almost Kiss.
  • 百合
    • 初期の段階ではこの関係性はあまり表沙汰にされていないが、唯、ゆずこ、縁の友情は7話においてごく自然な愛情のようなものとして描かれている。またアイキャッチにおいてゆずこと縁がキスしそうになる描写がさらにこれを強く印象付けている。

4.Trivia / Yuyushiki

  • Name's the Same: Minami Tsuda plays another character named Yui in Yuru-Yuri, who sounds and acts almost exactly the same.
  • 名称一緒
    • 津田美波ゆるゆりにおいて結衣という別キャラを演じているが、声も言動も瓜二つである。

5.YMMV / Yuyushiki

  • Ear Worm: The opening and closing credits have their charms. Not surprising, given how both songs were composed by the group Exit Tunes, more well-known for their Vocaloid albums.
  • 耳タコソング
    • OP、EDともに癖になる曲である。ボーカロイド曲のアルバムで有名なExit Tunesの作品であることを考えれば、何ら不思議なことではない。
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Aikawa's two friends, Kei and Fumi, are just as loved by fans as her.
  • ダークホースの覚醒
    • 相川の友人二人、佳とふみは相川と同じくらいファンから愛されている。
  • Fan Nickname:
  • 私用呼称(ファンが勝手に付けた非公式な呼び名)
    • 「ゆり式」。キマシ系の作品ということで、意味的なものとしてより言葉遊びとして呼ばれている
    • ゆるゆり3期」。ゆるゆりの声優のうち2人がゆゆ式のメインキャラになっているため必然的に(大久保瑠美がちなつ及びゆずこ、津田美波が結衣および唯)。それに加えて、どちらの作品でも「ゆい」という名のキャラがメインに据えられているため。
  • Les Yay:
    • Yui is pretty much a target of this, as it seems everyone barring Matsumoto-sensei has the hots for her.
    • The first half of episode 5—an Origins Episode of sorts between Yui and Yukari—sounds like the two girls are in a stable Romantic Two-Girl Friendship or maybe more, especially given Yukari's choice of words. The two Holding Hands doesn't help.
    • Kei, who is one of Aikawa's friends, approaches the trio and tells (not directly; she was thinking it) Yui not to take Aikawa away from her. In episode 7, her behavior slightly resembles jealousy. Though two episodes later, after being helped to buy her food by Yui, Kei warms up to her and tells her that she can touch Aizawa's chest...but only once.
    • Or, also in episode 7: both Yuzuko and Yukari want to hit Yui's rear.

Episode 10's commercial break shows Yukari and Yuzuko leaning in as if they are about to kiss... only to suddenly turn towards the camera as if caught in the act .

    • Episode eleven's 'dripping wet' conversation.
  • キマシタワー
    • 唯がよく餌食になる。松本先生を除く全員が唯を狙っている、とみなされているため。
    • 第5話の前半、唯と縁の馴れ初めエピソードから、二人は固い絆で結ばれた間柄、ないしそれ以上の関係を匂わせている。特に縁の言葉の選び方からそれがよく窺える。二人が手を繋ぐシーンなど、はた言うべきにあらず、である。
    • 相川の友人である佳は、メインの三人に接触し、唯に対して自分の相川を余り取るなと牽制する(ただし直接は言わず、念を送るのみである)。第7話における彼女の振る舞いはある種の嫉妬にも似たものである。しかしその2話後、昼食の代金を唯に肩代わりしてもらったことから、佳は態度を和らげ、相川の胸に触ることを許可する(ただし1回のみ)。
    • また同じく7話において、ゆずこと縁がともに唯を背後から襲撃しようとする


    • 第11話の「ねっちょりんこ」の会話
  • Poison Oak Epileptic Trees: Yui is crazy, her two friends are just sockpuppets, and Okaa-san-sensei is her caretaker. This tree is brought to you courtesy of 4chan.
  • ぼくのかんがえたさいきょうのうらせってい(主に平和な作品に悪意ある深読みを施して、不幸な背景・残酷な設定を無理矢理付け足そうとする目論見。epileptic treeとは直訳すると「てんかん発作を起こす木」という意味で、寝ぼけた人が見間違えたような荒唐無稽な俗説を指すもの。poison orkとはウルシ科ウルシ属の接触性皮膚炎を引き起こす植物。「触っちゃいけません」という意味を付与している)
    • 唯は病んでしまったキャラで、友人2人はイマジナリーフレンドで、お母さん先生は彼女のケアワーカーである、という説。4chねらーのヌクモリティが感じられる俗説である。


    • アニメーターも明らかにそう解釈しているような……(※リンクが切れているため何を指しているか不明。おそらくパペットのアイキャッチのことか)
  • OT3: Yukari-Yui-Yuzu. Lampshaded by everyone in their class.
  • トリ厨案件(カプ厨を揶揄する「OTP:One True Pairing」という表現から派生した言葉で、 対象が3人の場合を指す「One True Threesom」という表現の略称。カップルでなくトリオなのでトリ厨。)
    • 縁、唯、ゆずこ。クラスメイトたちからも仄めかされている。

ゆゆ式とキャラクター・ダイナミクス 〜Kashiko-men beyond the sea〜

この記事は「ゆゆ式 Advent Calendar 2015 - Adventar」13日目の記事です。






Yuyushiki -

To start, good character dynamics are paramount in these plotless slice of life shows, and in that respect, Yuyushiki delivers in spades. Yuzuko is a somewhat typical, perpetually ebullient character, and is often the instigator of Yuyushiki's humorous situations, while Yukari is more of an airhead and quick to get caught up in Yuzuko's antics. Yui, the tsukkomi to Yuzuko and Yukari's boke, is the more serious of the three, and generally the one to keep the conversations somewhat grounded. Respectively, none of the girls really stand out from the ilk of their genre, but the sum of their personalities constitute a very natural and thoroughly entertaining rapport with one another.



The bulk of Yuyushiki is dedicated to the frankly inane conversations among these three friends. The way their conversations veer wildly, often at the whims of Yuzuko, from one nonsensical topic to the next is always surprisingly natural. They change their cadence in an attempt to make one another laugh, pull innocuous little pranks on each other, and repeat meaningless phrases until they become funny[...]
Despite all the goofiness, Yuyushiki is perhaps at its best when the girls exhibit moments of genuine introspection. Lurches in the girls' conversation frequently lead to surprisingly serious topics, ranging from their plans for the future to their thoughts on death. These moments serve as subtle yet invaluable reminders that the girls are more than mere comedic devices, adding more depth to these small understated moments. Of course, it isn't long until the show shifts back to its pervasive silliness, but these fleeting moments are particularly memorable nonetheless. All of this conversational inanity and brief stints of sincerity culminate as an experience that is surprisingly realistic and easy to relate to. There's something particularly endearing about the way Yuyushiki effortlessly draws you into its lackadaisical atmosphere; it's simply a delight to spend time with these characters.


Yuyushiki pulls through with formal excellence as well. Every little detail contributes to the joke. The colorful palette lends itself well to the genial atmosphere, and the animation, while unassuming, reveals marked craftsmanship upon close examination. Great care was taken into making small gestures and slight cues in body language as fluid and authentic as possible. Simple jokes are often elevated by a unique framing of the shot or a perfectly timed change in perspective. In many ways, Yuyushiki's production values are inextricably linked with the actual content of the show, but it does so in a very unobtrusive manner that can be easy to miss providing one isn't looking for it; ideal for this type of show, really.


Atelier Emilyさんのゆゆ式記事のひとつ、アニメ9話におけるキャラクターの足の動きに着目した記事

Yuyushiki is still sitting pretty. | atelier emily


We unknowingly inform others daily of our comfort levels, mood, and emotions through small physical indicators. [...]
Kei Okano provides the easiest example of this. We are reminded of her oft-socially inept nature constantly, not only in her stunted speech or inability to address her own emotions, but visually in the way she moves and is presented to us. Kei appears on a line that is perpendicular [...]to the character she is speaking with if she is ill-at-ease. Episode nine reinforces this beautifully through the manner in which Kei awkwardly approaches Fumi (who is seated at a desk) to talk about Yukari. Kei walks directly to Fumi’s desk in a straight line and does a near-perfect military turn to face her friend while the parquet flooring reiterates the perpendicular lines.


Yuyushiki shines the most when it manages to bring both results – additional character trait and emotional information – together into the same scene. In the picture above, Yui is on the left and Yukari is on the right. Their respective legs appear to be both comfortable yet properly seated. As the scene pans left, we see Yukari shift into a slightly less-proper position when she turns to Yuzuko, whose legs are slightly more spread apart and swinging back and forth, denoting her lack of propriety and capricious nature.

Yukari’s purposeful shift in positioning reiterates what we know about her relationships with both Yui and Yuzuko respectively. While pictured next to Yui, her childhood friend, she’s a bit more proper, which also reflects her wealthy upbringing, and the two are very much in sync with each other (her legs nearly mirror Yui’s). As the focus shifts right, Yukari loosens up and leans towards Yuzuko. Yuzuko as the naturally whimsical trickster, swings her legs back and forth while she chats with her friends. Meanwhile, although not pictured in the images above, in the absence of Yukari, Yui begins to kick her legs a bit.

Atelier Emilyさんは他にも秀逸なゆゆ式エントリーを幾つも挙げているので、是非読んでみてください。

(To be continued...?)








こいつ頭いいぜ! 私より頭いい。







スケブが好きだ! ってことを言いたかった。それだけ。









なかなか斬新でないですか? ジャージって。
















