
How to make chef cookbook?

はじめに この記事では chef の cookbook の作り方を説明します。この記事を通して、/etc/foo のパスに bar という文字列が書かれたテキストを作るレシピの作り方および kitchen-docker を使った docker コンテナを利用したテストコードの作成方法を学んできます。レシピの名前...

How to use GPG for git commit?

What is the goal After you read this article, you can sign by GPG when you commit on git and create signed tag by GPG. What is GPG? GPG stands for GnuPG. ...

go modules

Background The golang 1.11 was released. This version implemented new feature “go modules”. This tool can lock dependent library version. This is similar fe...

How to use Let’s Encrypt on Nginx

What is Let’s Encrypt? Let’s Encrypt is service to issue SSL certification for free. It is public beta(15/Feb/2016). You can get SSL certification for free...