The Lisp Dictionary

William Bland announced yesterday The Lisp Dictionary, a Lisp-centric document searching facility where he has indexed the Common Lisp HyperSpec, PCL, Successful Lisp, and SBCL‘s documentation strings, plus example code taken from PAIP and PCL. All mixed together in a simple and elegant interface.

(As an aside, William is the author of a very fun Linux module, Schemix, which embeds a Scheme interpreter right into the kernel, although this days he recommends Movitz, a Common Lisp x86 development platform directly “on the metal”.)

If you’re an Emacs user, here’s an elisp function (courtesy of a c.l.l poster named Nick), to search the Lisp Dictionary without leaving your editor:

(defun lispdoc ()
  "searches for SYMBOL, which is by default the symbol
currently under the curser"
  (let* ((word-at-point (word-at-point))
	 (symbol-at-point (symbol-at-point))
	 (default (symbol-name symbol-at-point))
	 (inp (read-from-minibuffer
	       (if (or word-at-point symbol-at-point)
		   (concat "Symbol (default " default "): ")
		   "Symbol (no default): "))))
    (if (and (string= inp "")
             (not word-at-point) 
             (not symbol-at-point))
	     (message "you didn't enter a symbol!")
	 (let ((search-type 
			  "full-text (f) or basic (b) search (default b)? ")))
	  (browse-url (concat ""
			      (if (string= inp "")
			      (if (string-equal search-type "f")

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