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Build Water Tanks in Resafa, Then Rejoin the League of Six

W. Eric Martin
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• Czech publisher Delicious Games has announced its SPIEL Essen 24 release: Resafa, a 1-4 player game from designer Vladimír Suchý, who co-owns the company with his wife Kateřina.

Board Game: Resafa
Non-final cover

Here's an overview of the game:
The game Resafa takes place during the 3rd century AD in the area of today's Middle East. Resafa now lies in ruins in modern-day Syria, but at this time it was a fortified desert outpost that flourished as a stop along important caravan routes.

In the game, players represent merchants who travel on business trips and buy and sell goods in the various cities in the region. Resafa had no local sources of water, so it depended heavily on large cisterns to collect the spring and winter rainwater to make the area habitable. Players build water tanks and canals to distribute that water where it is needed. In the cities, they build workshops to help their businesses grow, which will allow them to collect resources and camels. They also construct gardens between the businesses, generating more resources and also victory points.

Board Game: Resafa
Prototype, with the player boards visible at top and bottom

The game is played over six rounds. In each round, a player takes only three actions, playing action cards in this tight and exciting game.
Delicious Games notes that the setting "was inspired by a visit to the city more than twenty years ago during Vladimír and Katka's first holiday together".

Board Game Publisher: Dino Toys s. r. o.
• In 2023, Czech publisher Dino Toys published an original Suchý design, the 1-2 player game Aldebaran Duel, and for 2024 it will release League of Six: Complete Edition, a new version of Suchý's first design, which Czech Games Edition released in 2007.

Here's the description for League of Six on BGG's game listing, with a note that it was "Taken from" — hey, that's me from seventeen years ago! As with Suchý, I can put my past efforts to work once again:
The year is 1430, a time of unrest and upheaval in the whole of Europe. Nearly 100 years have passed since the founding of the League of Six – a group of wealthy Lusatian towns that banded together to defend their commercial interests and preserve stability and order in the region.

You have been sent to this embattled land in the role of tax collector. As a young, ambitious aristocrat, you hope to stand out so that you will be given a position in the court of Sigismund.

The tax collector who brings in the most revenue for the king, while simultaneously gaining the support of the estates, has the best chance of finding himself by the side of King Sigismund.

The game consists of six turns representing six years. Each player takes the role of a tax collector visiting one of the six cities. The goods collected are placed in the royal stores or estate stores, thus giving the players influence in the court of King Sigismund. The player who gains the most influence wins.
Suchý has adjusted the gameplay of League of Six to "make it more player-friendly", and the game now accommodates up to six players instead of maxing out at five. The League of Six: Loyal Retinue expansion is included in this new edition, as well as a new expansion that introduces the option to play with any number of automated opponents, thereby allowing for a two-player game as well. As you might expect, Dino Toys has updated the game's graphics.

League of Six: Complete Edition will also be available at SPIEL Essen 24.

Board Game: League of Six
Board Game: League of Six: Loyal Retinue
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Designer Diary: Maps of Misterra, or Only Believe What You Map

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Board Game: Maps of Misterra
This designer diary was co-written by the three authors — Mathieu Bossu, Thomas Cariate, and Timothée Decroix — and translated from French by Nathan Morse. Originally published in French on TricTrac.

Only Believe What You See Map...

Writing a designer diary is a singular exercise. It's not that easy to recall how events unfolded and to present simply the questions and decisions that led to the published game. However, we will try to take you on a journey with us through the creative process for our game Maps of Misterra, which was released in January 2024 by Sit Down! and which is also playable on Board Game Arena.

Adjust your backpack, and let's go!

Before Setting Out

The project was born out of a simple desire to create a game together. Mathieu and Thomas were already creating prototypes with their four hands. We met regularly with Timothée on social networks and at the Cannes Festival of Games, particularly during the famous "nights off", that is, evenings when game designers can play their prototypes with the public. We were really in a flow when one of the three of us ended up saying the sentence that started it all: "We should make a game together." This was at Cannes in February 2021.

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Cannes Festival of Games 2023: After two years of pandemic and entirely remote game development, our heroes — from left, Thomas, Timothée, and Mathieu — finally meet again, where it all began (Image: Clélie)

We needed to find somewhere to start this venture, and as it turns out, all three of us share a fancy for maps. Such fascinating objects, aren't they? Maps are often magnificent, placing an entire world in your field of view. A map promises extraordinary voyages; it's a two-dimensional story box, which looks like it was designed for a board game. True to the theme, it's decided: The game will be about cartography.

Scouting the Land

Cartography, however, is already well represented in board games. Often the map mostly provides support for exploration. In the rarest of games, in which players actually draw a map, they seem to do so with complete freedom, with no need to represent any existing reality. They arguably create a world rather than a map.

And this was the first hurdle we encountered. The first few versions of Maps of Misterra revolved around successive expeditions to discover a new world. In practice, this meant each player moved their expedition on a common board that was gradually constructed from tiles. It was an interesting way to re-transcribe the great scientific and cartographical expeditions of the 17th and 18th centuries — but the result was an exploration game, not a game dedicated to cartography.

All Over the Map

Very quickly, we sought to integrate aspects of cartography into the game mechanisms. One of the fascinating parts of this discipline? Cartographical errors! Whether they arise from the insurmountable imprecision of such an exercise or are motivated by...political interests.

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William Blaeu's 1635 map pinpoints El Dorado in the Guiana Plateau, near a legendary "Lake Parime", inspired by Gaspar de Carvajal (public domain) — but what is this immense lake in the middle of the Amazon that we find on most 17th century maps? Read its story here (article in French; sources in English)

We try to preserve this aspect of cartography by allowing players to cover tiles to represent the progressive evolution of knowledge of both the terrain and of the existence of cartographical errors. But this isn't enough. The cartographical theme seems merely a pretext in an exploration game. This version is stagnating, and we are not satisfied with the direction we've taken.

Observation is required. To portray mapping, we need two spaces: a territory (the real one) and its depiction (the map). In Maps of Misterra, we will thus have a central board on which the terrain of the island materializes, and a parchment board on which we draw a map of the island.

This new dimension seems original and innovative enough to us to continue experimenting. We're starting from scratch — or nearly so — but with a stronger concept!

The Truth Is Out There

With each player playing a cartographer, each will need their own parchment board on which they sketch their own map of the island during the game. The centerpiece is a common board on which the terrain of the island — or more precisely, our common understanding of it — is revealed as our expeditions explore it.

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Photograph of the prototype, with the island board in the middle and the parchment boards where each player draws their own map

In practice, on your own map, you do whatever you want. The players have domino cards at their disposal that depict two terrain spaces, which they place however they wish on their parchment board, without necessarily having to respect reality. Not all cartographers are competent, and few are honest. You can even superimpose these sketch cards atop each other to revise a previous decision. Seriously, who can say that they've never confused a lagoon with a jungle?

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The sketch cards to "draw" your own map on your parchment board, two spaces at a time

When a location has been mapped, we then adjust our common knowledge of the island, showing the newly mapped terrain on the central board.

The parchment board is the player's domain. No one can tell you what to "draw". On the central board, however, it's a different story. There you will have to interact and contend with others.

All three of us have this idea of seeing the cartographer travel around the island to report what's there. We like this idea of depicting ancient scientific expeditions. Each player will therefore have their own pawn that they move each turn, the position of which defines the spaces "within sight" that can be mapped right now.

From there, and from the first playtest, the foundations of the game were laid: This basic concept works and transcribes everything we wanted to say on the theme of cartography...but perhaps this merits a little further explanation.

The Map Is Not the Territory

At the end of a game, everyone's personal maps will be very different and not necessarily representative of the isle of Misterra, even though it's visible to everyone in the middle of the table. This can be surprising or even a little destabilizing.

Yet this is a studied and recognized dimension of cartography. To diagram the geography of a place, a cartographer must make choices about simplification, deciding how best to depict reality. A map is also intended for a particular use: to help with navigation, to prepare for war or a project, to depict a specific scientific or economic dimension, etc. Did we mention that maps are fascinating objects? So, a cartographer will make choices of representation best suited to this desired use. For the same space, there are myriad maps, all different.

The famous saying of the philosopher Alfred Korzybski sums it up: "The map is not the territory." Or to put it another way: Consulting a map gives us only a partial and subjective version of reality. Don't believe everything you are told.

Because in this game, the island has no pre-existing reality, we even further push the concept that cartographers express their own opinion in their maps, and thus influence the public. Because we learn about the location via our map, we are at the mercy of what the cartographers tell us. If a road is drawn here or a border there, we will go here and stop there. Such power!

The central board of Maps of Misterra would be better understood as the current best knowledge of the relief of the island, the result of what the player-cartographers proclaim at this stage. We see a steppe there because several cartographers have reported it so.

What a Relief

We quickly decided to add relief to this basic concept. The cartographers move through a territory composed of different types of terrain. For this isle to have a soul and not simply be a flat array of color swatches, the terrain must have some effects.

Mountain is the first relief that comes to mind...followed by a revelation: "Atop a mountain, one can see further, so one can also map further." Steppes are flat and conducive to movement, a lagoon should let you fish a card from the deck and make the river flow. Jungle — [shudder] — jungle is so dense as to obscure your view and render mapping impossible.

The jungle effect is the only one that is mandatory and negative. This strengthens interaction and forces sacrifices. It is also a way to give a veritable geography to a square of merely 5 spaces by 5 spaces. Moving into a jungle space causes you to lose the crucial mapping action, and thus generally forces you to choose another path — but if you really need to take the shortest path, it is possible to cross it to reach a part of the island not yet explored. You can also weaponize your pen by adding jungles to your map where they will hinder your opponents.

A certain three game designers may be so perverse as to place jungles on the board as soon as the game is set up...

Moving Mountains

In Maps of Misterra, the terrain of the isle is not predefined. The players' actions reveal its relief as the game progresses.

To add a little interaction and indecision, we imagined two states of knowledge about the terrain: the "hazy" phase of terrain tiles revealed with the first observation, and the "confirmed" phase from the second identical observation. But note: If another observation identifies the terrain as something else, we replace the hazy terrain with a hazy version of the new type, and so on.

If one accepts that the central board represents the common knowledge we have of the island, this rule makes it possible to fairly faithfully illustrate the evolution of scientific knowledge in which hypotheses are refuted or confirmed by successive observations.

In play, this provokes an aggressive rush to "observe" the terrain to one's own advantage. This principle also has the advantage of gradually locking down the island board as we approach the end of the game.

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"Knowledge dispels the haze of ignorance", excited designers...

During evening playtests, we start catching players having fun contradicting each other's findings: "You clearly didn't get enough sleep: It's not a jungle here; it's a mountain!" and so on. We're onto something.

Points of Interest

"But how do I win?" you're probably asking by now.

To offer heartbreaking choices to the players, we came up with two conflicting sources of prestige points — a classic principle of game design.

On your personal parchment board, you must create patterns according to the hypothesis cards you received at the beginning of the game. Thematically, these are the cartographic objectives your sponsors have imposed upon you and expect you to confirm, even if it means diverging from what you see in the land. This is our representation, in the game, of the varied applications for maps that we discussed before, as well as the rivalries between the scientific societies of the great powers who finance expeditions to verify their theories.

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This fascinating book from 2018 recounts the true story of a scientific expedition sent to the equator by France to determine whether, as Newton [rightly] supposed, the earth is bulging at the equator and flattened at the poles, or whether it's flattened at the equator, as Cassini from France then supposed, based on the cosmological theories of Descartes.

These hypotheses need to be respected only on your own parchment board. There is no need to complete them on the main board, and players often mistakenly think this is the case in their first game. The graphic design tries to remind you of this by using a parchment background for the hypothesis cards, and the terrain being depicted as it is on the sketch cards — but we are so accustomed to thinking of maps as faithful representations that a second play is sometimes necessary to get this acceptable disconnect clearly in mind.

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The hypothesis cards, or the suppositions made by the sponsors of your expedition before your departure

On the other hand, you must also ensure that your map is not too far from the common understanding of the island's terrain because your reputation as a cartographer is at stake! Thus, you also gain prestige points for the fidelity of your map to the known relief of the island at the end of the game.

It's up to you to pursue your personal objectives without straying too far from the reality of the terrain. For those who want still more recognition for their cartographic efforts, we have included an expert mode that further rewards fidelity of the map to the territory.


Each turn, players map and trace and walk the tightrope, choosing their balance between these two sources of point...yet we felt that we were lacking an option for turns that get away from this main action to spice up the adventure a bit and to offer some excitement.

After trial and error, we added a new alternative action and a new source of points: claims. Thematically, planting your expedition's flag atop a previously unsurveyed mountain is amazing! This adds a dose of interaction and requires you to monitor your opponent's movements on the central board a little more closely. It also offers a strategic axis that's complementary to the two main sources of points.

Some people may also note the colonial dimension of grand scientific expeditions and the strongly political aspect of territorial control implied by cartography.

Almost There...

However, there are a few loose ends to tie up.

Sometimes in a first game, players will contradict one another over and over again in the same part of the island. When this happens, the game state doesn't move toward resolution, so we need to encourage game progression and limit the maximum duration.

Rather than encouraging advancing (we three designers are a little twisted), we would prefer to discourage standing still. At the end of the game, you lose prestige points if your personal map is incomplete.

To constrain the game to a reasonable number of turns, we also introduce a third endgame trigger that's more artificial, but necessary: exhausting the sketch card deck. Some clever calculations guarantee that this condition is triggered without any player getting a disadvantage.

You Have Reached Your Destination

From an evening playtest via Tabletop Simulator to a brainstorming session, to cutting out the prototype, to clever calculations — mountain by mountain or steppe by steppe, if you will — it took us a year to arrive at the quasi-final version of Maps of Misterra. We presented it to several publishers, and the game won over the Sit Down! team, who would do a fantastic job (beyond our expectations!) of materially and graphically staging the game, then getting it to your home.

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The Maps of Misterra box is full of promise, isn't it?

Also, thanks to the entire team, notably Stanislas Puech for the illustrations, Anthony Moulins for the graphic design, Michaël Derobertmasure for the development, Marie Ooms for the artistic direction, Sophie Troye for the communication, and Didier Delhez for managing the project. You have all made this dream come true.

We thank you, as well, for reading this. Enjoy playing Maps of Misterra, and remember, only believe what you map!

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Four cartographers, ready to sink their teeth into an adventure
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Explore Kyoto as a Kitten, Fit Cats into Packs, and Evolve as a Species in Nature

W. Eric Martin
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Board Game Designer
Most of the comments I've read about the 2023 train game Arabella ask why a kitten is on the cover when the gameplay focuses on track-building and share-holding. The publisher explains that the kitten is intended to represent how easy the game is to learn, but any cat lover who picks up this title is in for a surprise since the gameplay does not involve kaiju cats demolishing railroads.

Board Game: Kyoto no Neko

Let me instead recommend that fans of felines check out one of the games listed below instead, each of which features cats in their gameplay, starting with Kyoto no Neko, a 2-4 player design from Cédric Millet that French publisher Matagot will release at SPIEL Essen 24:
In Kyoto no Neko, 2 to 4 players are kittens who explore the modern-day city of Kyoto, Japan through a series of independent, replayable scenarios. In each scenario, players must fulfill a variety of missions, from befriending a school boy to fighting an aggressive stray cat, or stealing the food from other player's dinner bowl. Throughout the game, each player will evolve, developing their skills and gaining the ability to explore new parts of the map by climbing on bushes and rooftops.

Board Game: Kyoto no Neko

Using a system of skills, Kyoto no Neko will see each player interact with some of Kyoto's inhabitants, both animal and human. Each turn provides the opportunity to uncover something new about the city as players will reveal elements from little insects to specific objects or denizens of Kyoto. While some of these elements are represented by cardboard tiles, others come as standees, ensuring a stunning visual presence.
In a press release announcing the game, Millet writes, "I wanted to give everyone the chance to embody a kitten in a condensed experience of exploration and skill development, based on a role-playing mechanic in which every dice roll has a positive outcome. (You succeed or you learn!) The game lets you experience the sensations of a kitten's life by performing the full variety of typically feline activities (at least a new one in each scenario); I hope it will delight cat fans of all ages!" Now that sounds like a full feline experience!

Board Game: Nekojima
• Speaking of "neko", in August 2024 the balancing game Nekojima from David Carmona, Karen Nguyen, and Unfriendly Games will become available in the U.S. courtesy of distributor Hachette Boardgames. An overview of this 1-5 player game:
In Nekojima, "The Island of Cats" in Japan, an electricity network is developing to supply the various lively districts of the island. The installation of electric poles becomes more complex due to the narrowness of the territory and its curious population of cats strolling on the cables.

Nekojima is a wooden game of skill and dexterity in which you have to keep an entire installation in balance. Players take turns placing or stacking denchuu — 電柱, or electrical poles — respecting the locations without any hanging cables touching. Be careful not to be the one to bring down the structure. This game requires reflection, concentration and skill.

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David Carmona schools me in a demo at SPIEL Essen 23

—In competition, the player who knocks down the structure loses.
—In co-operation, the goal is to go as far as possible.
• Designer Tobias Hall is crowdfunding the tile-laying game Cat Packs through the end of April 2024, with the goal of debuting the game at SPIEL Essen 24 from his own All Or None Games:
Cat Packs is a fast-paced card game in which you'll cleverly put together the cat gang of your most whimsical dreams! The game includes over one hundred unique illustrated cats by artist Liselotte Eriksson.

Board Game: Cat Packs

On each turn, players draft a new cat from the alley and use resources to play out cards from their hand to add to their cat pack. All cats have different requirements and benefits, but not all cats fit well together, so players must carefully consider their positions. The goal of the game is to earn the most "catshine", which players receive by collecting sets of five cat types, surrounding certain cards with other cards, matching corners of four cards together in a catshine symbol, or winning the power struggle taking place after each round!
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Who doesn't want to give a good home to a rough-and-tumble meowboy who needs a blanket to snuggle under?

• Do robotic cats count for this post? Let's say yes so that I can include Cyber Pet Quest, a design by Brendan Kendrick and Bernie Lin of Dead Alive Games that they are crowdfunding in April 2024, with plans for early sales at Gen Con 2024 in August. Here's an overview:
Embark on a thrilling adventure with Jane, a fully bionic cat, and her cybernetically enhanced friends: Clay the dog, Freya the raccoon, and Roman the goose. Join this eclectic team as they set out to find Jane's missing owner, Howard, in the intra-apocalyptic city of San Lazaro. With its diverse and immersive locations and a quirky cast of enemies, this metropolis will keep you on the edge of your seat. As you delve deeper into the city, you'll need to flex your tactical muscles and harness the pets' array of unique abilities and powerful items to succeed in your quest. Will you uncover the truth behind Howard's disappearance and guide Jane to her missing owner? Your choices will determine the outcome.

Board Game: Cyber Pet Quest

Designed for 1-4 players, Cyber Pet Quest is played as a multi-chapter campaign. Taking the roles of the four pets, players investigate and interact with the environment, complete chapter objectives, gain power items and charms, and outsmart the enemies who are trying to stop them. The campaign has twelve chapters in a branching format so that players can play the full game multiple times to see the different branching stories.
• Should you care more for big cats, along with many more animals of a non-cat nature, turn your eyes to, um, Nature, a Dominic Crapuchettes design that publisher NorthStar Game Studio plans to release in August 2025 following a 2024 Kickstarter campaign.

Board Game: Nature

Nature is an evolution of Evolution, which the then-named North Star Games released in 2014, with that game being a Crapuchettes co-design with Dmitry Knorre and Sergey Machin, who were responsible for the 2010 title Evolution: The Origin of Species. Over the years, North Star evolved Evolution into the standalone games Evolution: Climate, Evolution: The Beginning, and Oceans, and now it's being transformed once again.

The gameplay of Nature resembles that of earlier games, with players experiencing an ecosystem in which food is scarce and predators are ready to eat you...although sometimes you're the predator looking for that scarce food. You can adapt your species to the environment by playing traits like fast to evade predators, nesting to grow your population, and climbing to reach fruit high above ground.

Nature will have five thematic modules — Jurassic, Flight, Natural Disasters, Arctic Tundra, and Amazon Rainforest — available at launch, and you can use 0-3 of them in a game to modify (or not) its length and complexity. As Crapuchettes writes:
The base game, Nature, is a meaty filler that is can be taught and played in 45 minutes. Each expansion will change core rules to dramatically affect the emotional feel of the game and the strategy:

—Add one expansion for a 60-minute game that's roughly the complexity of Evolution.
—Add two expansions for a 90-minute game that's roughly the complexity of Climate.
—Add three expansions for a 120-minute game that's roughly the complexity of Terraforming Mars
NorthStar is polling to determine which modules to release in 2026, and it welcomes playtesters who want to help see how everything fits together.

Board Game: Evolution: The Origin of Species
Board Game: Evolution
Board Game: Evolution: Climate
Board Game: Oceans
Evolution in action
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Mon Apr 15, 2024 7:00 am
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Take Your Place as a Knight of the Round Table, and Confront the Outer Gods in Imperial Rome

W. Eric Martin
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• The cartoon short "Steamboat Willie" entered the public domain in 2024, along with Tigger, The Passion of Joan of Arc, and Lady Chatterley's Lover by D. H. Lawrence.

I'm not sure whether designers will rush to create games out of this material — especially the first item given that Disney still owns everything else related to Mickey Mouse — but over time the public domain pool will only continue to grow, a pool that game designers and publishers will return to repeatedly for a chance to put their own spin on a story or group of characters known around the world, as with the announcement from U.S. publisher Crafty Games of Knights of the Round Table, a design by Jonny Pac that will see release in 2025.

Board Game: Knights of the Round Table

Here's an overview of this 2-4 player game:
In each game of Knights of the Round Table, players choose a cycle of Arthurian myth to play, setting the tone and starting rules. They rally a company of knights and Arthurian personalities, deploying them to construct Camelot, repel invader hordes, and quest for the Holy Grail. Through their choices, players sculpt a unique narrative and unlock new modules until the grail is discovered, and a winner is crowned high king!

The game features dozens of silkscreened wood pieces, a huge game board, and a 3D castle that players build during play. Multiple game modules allow for high variability and replayability across many aspects of Arthurian myth, with the intertwining of themes and mechanisms allowing players to organically create their own spin on these legends.
• "Alice in Wonderland" remains a source of inspiration for game designers given the rich variety of ways to approach this fantastic world.

Board Game: Rolling in Wonderland

In 2024, new publisher Borogove Games plans to crowdfund Rolling in Wonderland, a design for 2-4 players from Daniel Alves:
Players become children who, just like Alice, stumble into Wonderland and meet all the famous characters from the works of Lewis Carroll. During play, you use actions to discover cards, make friends, and use your mushrooms to execute powerful combos in a highly strategic action-selection/dice-drafting system — all with the long-term goal of earning points.
RPG Item: Cohors Cthulhu RPG Quickstart Guide
• And where Alice starts to walk, Cthulhu follows. A crossover between these IPs is inevitable, but until that happens we'll have to focus on the latest game design to draw on the works of H.P. Lovecraft — Cohors Cthulhu: Tactics, a horror-themed, solitaire/co-operative game from Modiphius Entertainment that's meant as a companion of sorts to the Cohors Cthulhu RPG that Modiphius crowdfunded in 2023 for release in 2024. An overview:
Cohors Cthulhu: Tactics is set in the Cohors Cthulhu universe during the height of Imperial Rome. You begin your heroic journey as one of a handful of survivors of an ambush, desperately trying to escape the Mythos-ridden mists of a Germanic forest. As your heroes grow in experience and power, you will fulfill your destiny, becoming the leader of a powerful legion and facing the avatars of the Outer Gods themselves in full-scale war.

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The game is meant to fuse the strategic nuance of tabletop wargames with the immersive narrative of role playing games. Cohors Cthulhu: Tactics will feature a wide range of 28mm miniatures in both resin and 3D print at-home STL files. The miniatures range features Roman Centurions, scoundrels, nobles, hunters, priests, druids, assassins, soldiers, and warriors. Facing them will be the full might of the Outer Gods: The Cult of Mormo with their Priests, Servitors, Ghouls and Overlords of Mormo, Teufel Hounds, Fluttering Fiends, Sheehad, Elder Things, Chosen and Die Draugr.
Modiphius notes that "Kickstarter backers will have an exclusive opportunity to grab one of several powerful Avatars of the Outer Gods in resin such as the Star Spawn of Cthulhu. Stretch Goals will unlock new factions, such as the Deep Ones, Mi-Go, and the corrupt Herjan's Horde, plus more mythos creatures, additional missions, and new gameplay options."

I'm not sure how "exclusive" these might be given that the Outer Gods appear willing to partner with as many publishers as step up...

• Oh, hey, I should have been more optimistic...or pessimistic. Not sure which one is appropriate here, but in any case Steamboat Willie World has announced a Kickstarter for Steamboat Willie playing cards...

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...while in May 2024 new publisher Simply Play Games plans to crowdfund the tabletop game Steamboat Willie: Dark Days Seas.

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Here's the teaser description:
Take the role of our classic hero, "Steamboat Willie", or one of his pals in this modern return to the Forbidden Seas in this epic 2-4 player board game.

Return to the most dangerous seas to help rescue Caroline the Cow as she tries to get on board his steamboat to safety. In these mysterious seas, there are tales of sea monsters and pirates looking to capture his booty!

Take the role of our hero, Mickey Mouse "Steamboat Willie," or one of his pals — Minnie, Pete, Parrot, or Goat — in this epic 2-4 player table top game.
Given the quality of this promotional image from the upcoming BackerKit campaign, I anticipate this game being a high-quality release that will endure for decades and become a treasure that our descendants will look forward to entering the public domain in the 22nd century so that they can riff on it themselves.

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Sun Apr 14, 2024 7:00 am
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Link Round-up: Ticket to Ride on SNL, and Awards in Japan, in the U.S., and on BGG

W. Eric Martin
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Board Game Designer
Board Game: Akropolis
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Board Game: Challengers!
Jules Messaud's Akropolis won the 2023 Japan Boardgame Prize issued by Yumoa, a non-profit organization founded in 2003 that annually honors games that are "considered to have contributed the most to the spread of board games".

The other titles nominated for the award were Phil Walker-Harding's Super Mega Lucky Box and Challengers! from designers Johannes Krenner and Markus Slawitscheck. This latter title, which won the 2023 Kennerspiel des Jahres in Germany, won the voting section of the 2023 Japan Boardgame Prize, receiving more than twice as many points as second-place finisher Darwin's Journey from Simone Luciani and Nestore Mangone. Maxime Tardif's Earth had broader support than Darwin's Journey, but at a lower level, landing in third place. (Voters ranked five games, with first place receiving 5 points, second place 4 points, etc.)

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• The American Tabletop Awards have announced their 2024 winners for games released in the U.S. in 2023. The winners and their categories are:

—Early gamers: Blob Party, by Pam Walls and WizKids
—Casual games: Sea Salt & Paper, by Bruno Cathala, Théo Rivière, and Bombyx
—Strategy games: Thunder Road: Vendetta, by Dave Chalker, Brett Myers, and Restoration Games
—Complex games: The White Castle, by Isra C., Shei S., and Devir

If you visit the link above, you'll find other ATTA-recommended and -nominated titles in those categories.

Board Game: Blob Party
Board Game: Sea Salt & Paper
Board Game: Thunder Road: Vendetta
Board Game: The White Castle

• Speaking of awards, as a BGG user you are invited to nominate games released in 2023 for the 18th annual Golden Geek Awards. The nomination phase will end at 11:59 PM CDT on Sunday, April 21, 2023, with voting on the top nominees taking place over the next ten days. BGG owner Scott Alden gives details on the nomination process here.

From gallery of W Eric Martin

• Someone on the Saturday Night Live staff must be a fan of Ticket to Ride because while this skit from April 6, 2024 focuses on Jumanji, Alan R. Moon's classic train game also plays a starring role:

• While Ravensburger publishes games, it's best known as a jigsaw puzzle manufacturer, and a paywalled article in The New York Times from Derrick Bryson Taylor details a long-running legal battle between the German publisher and the Italian government over the rights to reproduce Leonardo da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man" drawing in a jigsaw puzzle. An excerpt:
From gallery of W Eric Martin
At the center of the dispute is Italy's cultural heritage and landscape code, which was adopted in 2004 and allows cultural institutions, like museums, to request concession fees and payments for the commercial reproduction of cultural properties, like "Vitruvian Man."

That code is at odds with European Union law, which states that works in the public domain (like "Vitruvian Man") are not subject to copyright.

For more than a decade, Ravensburger sold a 1,000-piece puzzle with the image of the famed drawing. But in 2019, the Italian government and the Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice, where the famous work and other da Vinci pieces are on display, used the Italian code to demand that Ravensburger stop selling the puzzle and pay a licensing fee.
The article details other instances of the Italian government protesting commercial uses of Italian cultural landmarks, such as a 2023 case in which "a court in Florence ruled against GQ Italia for using an image of the David statue on the cover of one of its magazines in 2020 without permission".

• Since I've already diverged into jigsaw puzzles, we close with a look at a trio of jigsaw puzzles that are a project of BGG advertising manager Chad Krizan, who also runs the company Puzzle Bomb with his wife Caylyn, so I want to highlight their Spring 2024 collection of wooden puzzles. I've watched Chad doodle many times over the years, and it's fascinating to see his work transformed in this way.

From gallery of W Eric Martin
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Sat Apr 13, 2024 7:00 am
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Get a Peek at KOSMOS' SPIEL Essen 24 Titles: The Gang, Battling Koalas, and Dying Patients in Miami

W. Eric Martin
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Board Game Designer
• German publisher KOSMOS has teased games that it will release in the second half of 2024, starting with German editions of Cascadia: Rolling Hills, Cascadia: Rolling Rivers, Linx, and The Gang, the latter of which will debut from KOSMOS in the U.S. in Q3 2024 and which Inka and Markus Brand described on Instagram as a "super good game" that even in March 2024 they can see landing a Spiel des Jahres nomination in 2025. Hmm...

Board Game: Cascadia: Rolling Hills
Board Game: Cascadia: Rolling Rivers
Board Game: Linx
Board Game: The Gang

Speaking of the SdJ, Wolfgang Lüdtke's SdJ recommended title Caesar & Cleopatra, which debuted from KOSMOS in 1997, will be released in a new edition.

Board Game: Caesar & Cleopatra

As previously announced in January 2024, KOSMOS will release the card game Faraway from Johannes Goupy and Corentin Lebrat in German in the second half of 2024.

KOSMOS will also release German editions of three titles from Dutch publisher Identity Games. Battle Royale is a tactical action game for 2-4 players in which "you play cards to position your characters cleverly, then you roll the doom dice...and little by little, the island arena grows smaller and smaller. With skill and luck, you try to keep your figures on the island for as long as possible. Create majorities, push your opponent's figures off the island, and stay away from the explosions. Continue to fight for space until only one player remains."

Board Game: Battle Royale

Medical Mysteries: New York Emergency Room and Medical Mysteries: Miami Flatline (!) are co-operative games in which you encounter patients and need to figure out what's wrong with them. Each box has four patients of varying difficulties waiting for you, along with a tutorial case. No prior medical knowledge is required.

Board Game: Medical Mysteries: NYC Emergency Room

Board Game: Medical Mysteries: Miami Flatline

In terms of new titles, Monkey Fun is a game for 1-4 players from Jürgen P. K. Grunau in which you try to claim a connected area as quickly as possible with your gang of monkeys. The cards you play indicate on which square you can place a monkey, but the other monkeys are already waiting to snatch this space from you...

(I will confess that this might not be a new design as I'm not familiar with Grunau's dozens of published games.)

Board Game: Monkey Fun
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Fri Apr 12, 2024 3:00 pm
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Designer Diary: Word Traveler, or the Second Time's the Charm

Board Game: Word Traveler
The story of Word Traveler — which is being released in April 2024 from Office Dog — is both very short and very long. It's a party-ish game — emphasis on the "ish" — and like most games of its kind, it's based around a simple activity in which scoring is relatively secondary. This core activity took shape quickly and didn't change much throughout development, so in a sense "most" of the game was created in a short period of time. However, the devil's in the details as they say, and like Boo in DragonBall Z, the game went through many, many transformations before it would reach its final form.

The premise is simple: Players are traveling around a city, but since they don't know the local language, they must rely on imprecise indications to get around. The idea is translated mechanically by having players want to move around a grid of images to score points based on their personal map card (think Codenames), but they cannot do so themselves, so they must communicate to the other players how they'd like to be moved by creating a sequence made of a combination of direction tokens and communication cards.

In "short", Word Traveler is a co-operative communication programming game. Combining communication and programming was the thing I was the most excited about as it allowed players to create a sentence of sorts, one in which each "word" (move) would inform the overall path you're trying to take.

Instead of going through a lengthy explanation of how the core activity of the game works concretely, I think it's best if I show you an example. Word Traveler is one of those games that's a bit awkward to explain in written form but super easy to teach visually. This photo's from one of the first iterations of the game, back when the game was called "PanoraMag" (short for "Panorama Magazine"...which was a terrible name):

From gallery of ThomasDL

For their first move — as indicated by the row of cards at the bottom of the image — the red player wants to go up to the image that's the most "circle" (probably the tiger's face). For their second move, they want to go up again to the image that's the most "royal" or "regal" (probably the forbidden city). After that, they go right to the image that's the least "city" (when placed on its dark side, a card is meant to be read as "the least"). After that, they go left to the image that's the most "food" (probably the chopsticks), then they use a drone (more on that later), and finally they go down to the image that's the least "music" (probably the containers).

That particular sequence is relatively easy to decode (in my opinion), but in practice players will often want to refer to past and future instructions if they're unsure where to go for a particular move, hence the "sentence" aspect of the communication. For example:

From gallery of ThomasDL

Here the first move is a little bit ambiguous. What's the least "food/plant" image to the right of the red player between a desert, a motorbike, and a plane? This one's tough, but for the second move they tell us to go down to the image that's the most "weapon", which works really well with the policeman in the last column, which could indicate that they're going to the plane for their first move.

As you probably guessed from the above examples, the game used to take place in China and players communicated with icons instead of words. This was back in 2019, and since Decrypto's release was relatively recent, I wanted to avoid doing another word-based game. As for the Chinese theme, I liked the aesthetics of it, but it wasn't kept after the game got signed.

At first, players had access to three different maps, each with its own shape and special power: Beijing (associated with the drone, which allowed you to visit an extra location adjacent to you once per round), Shanghai (associated with the bridge, which you could cross once per round to reach the other half of the map), and China itself (associated with the plane, which allowed you to move non-orthogonally). The maps also featured hotels, and if you ended your turn on one, you would earn one extra card (and point) for the next round.

From gallery of ThomasDL
From gallery of ThomasDL
From gallery of ThomasDL
The maps not taken...

Unfortunately, this version of the game had many problems. Having the direction tokens and the icon cards together was a nice idea to reduce the component count, but it wasn't great for readability and also made it difficult for players to use multiple icons to point to a single destination, which a lot of players were asking for. Having complex maps composed of single images made the game frustratingly long to set up. Hotels were nice, but the extra cards and points tended to advantage players who were already doing well. I won't even go into the whole letter/number system, but suffice to say it was unnecessarily complex as well.

The game was soon changed to feature a single square map, which allowed me to move the images from single cards to 2x3 boards for a much faster set-up.

From gallery of ThomasDL

As for the other problems, they would get fixed only after I signed the game to Repos Production near the end of 2019...

"Wait!", you say, "Repos Production?! But the game's being released by Office Dog!"

Indeed, this game actually got signed to two different publishers, once in 2019 and again in 2022. This was an extremely valuable learning experience as each publisher had a (somewhat) different vision of the game and didn't come to the same conclusions regarding many of its systems.

So, first, Repos. They wanted to integrate the game into their Concept line as both games featured similar icon-based communication. They quickly did away with the Chinese theme and changed it to a more globally relatable theme of traveling the world. They also wanted a more illustrated style compared to the travel photos I had been using thus far. Furthermore, they separated the direction tokens and the icon cards for all the reasons I explained above.

From gallery of ThomasDL

When I first showed Repos the game, each round players would draw a new map card (i.e., the Codenames-like cards that tell each player where they want to go), but they wanted players to keep the map for the entire game so that each round would feel more like a part of a complete experience. The map cards went through a number of different iterations in an effort to accommodate that: first, there were tokens to represent the different locations that players would flip face down when they visited them, then small sheets of paper like you see in roll-and-writes on which players would note their path using a pencil, then dry-erase cards, then small boards that you kept behind a screen and on which you placed cubes to indicate what you had visited.

The map cards themselves also changed quite a bit:

From gallery of ThomasDL

Gone were the letters and the numbers, which had been replaced by small icons. A number of tokens showing these icons would be drawn from a bag at the start of each round, and players would divide them among themselves depending on what was easier for them to visit. Gone also were the hotels; players would earn additional cards and movements automatically to simplify things.

A lot of smaller things changed as well. For example, players used to be able to trade communication cards with one another, but Repos wanted to shorten the game's length, so that idea was scrapped. The special actions like the plane or the drone were also scrapped. A sand timer was used to track time, then it was gone, then one appeared again. A lot of different things were tried, too much for me to list them all.

All in all, I think most of the changes Repos did were a step in the right direction. The game was simplified in some aspects, complexified in others. They worked a lot on it, which is why it came as such a blow when they told me in early 2022 that they wouldn't make the game after all. Their reasoning (at least the one they gave me) was that they wanted the game to cost the same as Concept, but that they didn't see a way to make it work without making drastic (and detrimental) changes to the game. This was the third game of mine to get canceled during the pandemic. I know these things happen relatively frequently, but to have three games canceled in such a short period of time, all of which had all undergone lengthy developments, I almost stopped making games right there and then. It was soul crushing.

Board Game Publisher: Office Dog
Still, I eventually recovered and started to work on my games again, including this one. As luck would have it, Bryan Bornmueller from Office Dog contacted me around that time to see whether I had any prototypes to pitch them. They were a new studio under the Asmodee banner and wanted games from freelance designers such as myself. They really liked "PanoraMag", and after a few tests they decided to start working on it in earnest.

One of the first big changes they did was to switch icons for words on the communication cards. One of the issues with icons, in this case, is that there's sort of two interpretation layers: First you need to figure out what the icon means for the player who used it, then you need to figure out which image they are pointing at. With words, you (mostly) have only the second layer, which makes sequences easier to interpret. They reverted the change that Repos had done regarding drawing only one map card for the whole game and went back to drawing a new map card each round since it was easier to manage and required fewer components. The maps were also simplified, with just 1s and 2s to indicate the number of points gained from visiting a place instead of a more complex system of icons and tokens.

On the thematic side of things, rather than having players travel the whole world using 2x3 boards made of a random assortment of images from around the globe, Office Dog preferred to have players visit more specific locations. They decided to have four different boards, each one a city illustrated by an artist from that place, which I thought was a really cool idea. Finally, the name was changed to Word Traveler, which was miles better than mine.

Board Game: Word Traveler
On display at GAMA Expo 2024

All in all, I'm really quite happy with the work they've done, and development went extremely smoothly! After almost five years, the game is finally seeing the light of day. It was a long road, but hopefully the game is better for it.

Thomas Dagenais-Lespérance
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Fri Apr 12, 2024 7:00 am
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Make Way in the Lab for Matúš Kotry's Little Alchemists

W. Eric Martin
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Board Game Designer
In 2014, Alchemists appeared from designer Matúš Kotry and publisher Czech Games Edition. In the intervening decade, Kotry has become a father, and to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the game, he and CGE have come together again to release Little Alchemists. This new design due out in Q3 2024 shares elements with the original release, but is aimed at players aged 7 and up, with these players mixing potions and selling them to customers.

Board Game: Little Alchemists

Here's an overview:
Will you surpass your teachers' knowledge and grow up to become the best alchemists in the land? Let's find out! It's time to grab your potion ingredients, sharpen your deduction skills, and get mixing!

Little Alchemists is a family-friendly deduction game that's designed to grow with the curious minds of young players. The game starts with simple concepts and mechanisms; you'll start by gathering and combining ingredients for brewing potions to sell. However, as you collect keys by achieving your potion-making goals, you'll unlock new chapters that gradually add more components, mechanisms, and complexity to the experience.

Not sure how to make potions? No sweat! Potion craft takes mere seconds with the free Little Alchemists companion app. To make a potion, players select two ingredient tiles, then scan them using the companion app loaded onto a tablet or smartphone. This reveals the combined result and lets players acquire and mark the corresponding potion knowledge on their secret player board.

Board Game: Alchemists
The proud parent
With each potion you make, you'll begin to discover the secrets that lie at the heart of alchemy. Players will have to use clever deductions to figure out the arcane properties of each ingredient, then they can use that knowledge to their advantage throughout the game!

Over the course of seven chapters that unlock over multiple playthroughs, players will learn and master many new facets of the alchemy trade, preparing them for what's to come. Each chapter is designed as a replayable experience that expands on the previous chapter, with new layers of game mechanisms that add more subtle depth and complexity over time. Also, fully exploring the world of Little Alchemists will introduce you to many of the concepts from and better prepare you for the original Alchemists game.
For a hint of what awaits inside the box, note the pyramidal ingredient chart in the lower left of the image below. The initial game has you play with six types of ingredients, but over time you can add a seventh and eighth by attaching new "walls" on the pyramid. The app is designed to teach players the entire game as needed to assist play with youngsters.

Little Alchemists will debut at Gen Con 2024 in August.

From gallery of W Eric Martin
Prototype version shown at GAMA Expo 2024
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Thu Apr 11, 2024 6:00 pm
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Go Fishing with Friedemann Friese, Then Take a Free Ride in the United States

W. Eric Martin
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Board Game Designer
Board Game: Fishing
• Designer Friedemann Friese of 2F-Spiele is no stranger to trick-taking games, having released Foppen in 1995 (then re-mixing it as Fool! in 2018) and Stich-Meister in 2010.

In Q4 2024, he will release a new twist on the genre in Fischen, which Rio Grande Games will release as Fishing. Here's an overview of this 3-5 player game:
In Fishing, you try to catch as many tricks as possible over eight rounds, with each card you catch being worth 1 point.You then use your caught cards for the next round — and if you didn't catch enough tricks to fill your hand, you'll draw fresh cards from the ocean stack, which will introduce new cards for you fishers to fight over.

In more detail, at the start of each round, you have 8-13 cards in hand, depending on the player count and the round. In the first round, the cards go from 1-10 in four colors. Standard trick-taking rules apply, with players needing to follow the color led and the highest card of the led suit winning the trick.

New cards come into play from the ocean stack in waves, with higher-value cards in the four colors, a green trump suit from 1-16, 0 cards that let you snag a card from the trick, and special-powered buoy cards that can always be played into a trick regardless of what you have in hand. With buoys, you can steal the lead or determine which color must lead the next trick, force players to pass cards or lose points; you can even steal all other cards in a trick, ideally netting yourself huge fish for use next round.

At the end of each round, score 1 point for each card you caught. Whoever lands the most points after eight rounds wins.
It's interesting to see Friese drawing from Fabled Fruit and his Fast Forward series in which more cards are introduced to the game over time. Rand. did something similar in his trick-taking game Tall Tales, but Fishing introduces a trump suit and special-powered cards, in addition to higher numbers, with no one knowing what you're initially drawing other than a card from level one, level two, etc.

What's more, I'm intrigued by the idea of you using the cards you catch in one round as "bait" in the next round. After all, you might be catching junky low numbers, and sure, you score for them at the end of this round, but how well will they serve you next round, assuming you draw them? Maybe they can actually be a boon, allowing you to run a color that no one else has...until the trump cards start showing up. In any case, I'm looking forward to this one.

Board Game: Free Ride USA
• Another SPIEL Essen 24 release from 2F-Spiele is Free Ride USA, a spinoff title that features the same gameplay as 2021's Free Ride:
In Free Ride USA, you are one of several people in charge of building railway lines, connecting the cities in the United States, and carrying passengers to those cities. The game board shows 45 cities connected by a network of potential routes, and all railway lines built will be one of three types: lines owned by you, lines owned by fellow players, and state-owned lines. When you travel along railway lines, you pay nothing to travel on your lines and state-owned lines. To travel on a fellow player's line, however, you must pay them 1 coin, which converts their line to state-owned. From then on, traveling on that line is free for all players. As coins are limited, you should carefully balance the building of your lines with the conversion of fellow players' lines to state-owned lines.

Where do you want to build? At the start of play, each player drafts part of a travel route. Multiple travel routes are available for choosing, and each travel route consists of three cards. When you choose a route, you take either the first and second cards or the second and third cards as your starting and ending point (in that order). Return the unchosen card of that route to the box.

Once the third deck is empty, you can either withdraw from the game with uncompleted routes (returning those cards to the box) or keep taking turns until you finish all your routes, at which point you immediately gain 1 coin and withdraw. In either situation, you earn 1 coin (and do nothing else) on each subsequent turn. Once all players have withdrawn, you tally your score, earning 3 points for each coin, 5 points for the first card you have of a city, and 2 points for each other card you have of a city. (Each of the 45 cities appears once in each of the three decks.) Whoever has the most points wins.
Board Game: Free Ride
For more on the gameplay, you can read or watch me rave about Free Ride here. The 45 cities in Free Ride USA are color-coded in groups of five, ideally making it easier for players to get a sense of how long a route might take to travel with your train.

In addition, instead of nine cities around the perimeter of the game board starting with two coins — with the first player to move their train to such a city collecting those coins — coins are added to the game on a somewhat random basis. Ten cities each are designated as east coast cities or west coast cities, and whenever a potential route has an east-west pairing, say, Philadephia to Salt Lake City, two coins are added to this route from the reserve. If a player claims that route, they collect those coins, which means players have more of an incentive to grab long routes since they can use those coins to purchase rail tokens without needing to spend a turn to do so, while also converting others' routes to state-owned.
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Thu Apr 11, 2024 5:00 pm
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Be the Best Bus Driver, Spread Influence on Sky Islands, and Decipher a Dying Message

W. Eric Martin
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Board Game Designer
Tokyo Game Market next takes place on April 27-28, 2024, and here's a tiny sampling of new games that will be presented at that show.

• Designer Saashi of Saashi & Saashi will release Bus & Stop, a card game featuring art from Takako Takarai that challenges 2-4 players to be efficient bus drivers:
Bus & Stop is a card game in which you compete as bus drivers to bring passengers to their desired destinations, while avoiding overcrowding.

Board Game: Bus & Stop

On a turn, you either pick up or drop off. To pick up, choose all of the passenger cards of one color from the row waiting at the bus stop, then place them in your bus — that is, the area in front of you, which can hold at most ten cards. Senior citizens aren't going far, so you score them immediately instead of placing them on the bus.

To drop off, choose a group of passengers on your bus that match one of the available destination cards — for example, all men, all girls, or one passenger of each color — then remove these passengers from your bus and place them under the card. You score points for each card depending on how many people you delivered at once, so aim for large groups. Whenever a player drops off, everyone else can make one of their matching passengers skedaddle, removing them from the bus and placing them in a personal scoring pile with their senior citizens.

Board Game: Bus & Stop

When the bus stop can't be refilled with passengers or only a certain number of destination cards remain, the game ends. Tally your score, earning 1 point for each single card and the listed points for each destination card. If your bus is empty, congratulations! You earn a depot bonus for not stranding passengers on your bus. They will thank you for not doing that...
While Saashi & Saashi will debut Bus & Stop at Game Market, pre-orders will ship at the end of May 2024 with a general retail release in June 2024.

Board Game: Dying Message
• At the previous Game Market in December 2023, designer Fumiko Shimizu self-published approximately fifty copies of ダイイングメッセージ (Dying Message) under the brand Cinematrick.

Now Oink Games has licensed the design and will release a new edition — solely in Japanese right now — at Game Market in April 2024, with a retail release in early May 2024.

Board Game: Dying Message

Here's how to play:
You've been murdered! Well, almost, you're not dead yet, so you want to communicate the identity of who the killer is, but you have a limited number of tools to make that happen: a small number of cards with obscure marks on them and...yourself. Yes, your dying body. Maybe you can arrange the cards in some manner to convey information. Maybe your still fingers can point to — or obscure — parts of the cards to increase the clarity of your dying thought.

If the clues are easy to understand, they will be destroyed by the culprit; if they are difficult, they will not be communicated to anyone, and your death will not be avenged, so leave an exquisite dying message.

Board Game: Dying Message

The other players in Dying Message are detectives, and they make inferences based on the limited information available. Detectives can co-operate or confront one another, and whether the deduction turns out to be good or bad will depend upon their discussion.
Looking at the pic above, I was like, wait, is that a pool of blood on the table? Is that part of the game?! And it turns out that yes, it is, with the designer noting on Twitter that the blood pool on the back of the instruction manual of the first edition is now made of felt, presumably to make your final seconds more comfortable.

Board Game: Zuuli
• Oink has a second licensed title that it plans to debut at Game Market ahead of an early May 2024 retail release: Moving Wild, which designer Chris Priscott originally crowdfunded in 2021 and released in 2022 under the name Zuuli and publishing brand Unfringed.

In Moving Wild, up to six players draft cards, with everyone choosing a card simultaneously, passing what's left, choosing another card, etc. Once all the cards have been selected, players each assemble their own zoo from the enclosures, animals, and upgrades they've collected.

Board Game: Zuuli

Enclosures have a size limit and can take animals from 1-3 terrains: desert, grass, or water. Animals need to be placed in an enclosure of a matching landscape, and they have a size on them, so you can't just shove them all in the same enclosure. Fierce animals can't be enclosed with friendly ones unless you have an upgrade to do so. Animals are worth points if enclosed, with some enclosures having multipliers for those animals. Some animals have special conditions on them that grant you bonus points if met.

The game lasts three rounds, with everyone scoring after each round, then whoever has the most points wins.

Happy City designer Toshiki Sato has a new title coming from their own さとーふぁみりあ (Sato Familie) publishing brand: Merchants of Sky Islands.

Board Game: Merchants of Sky Islands

Merchants of Sky Islands is a 2-4 player game, and each player starts with a random stack of ten hexagonal island tiles, taking two of them in hand. Each tile is a combination of island parts on a background of air — after all, "sky islands". A four-hex starting tile is placed in the middle of the table.

On a turn, add a tile from your hand to the table, matching land and sky on adjacent edges. Gain the appropriate resource (or 1 VP) based on the color of the airship on the tile you placed and all adjacent tiles, then use resources to place buildings on the board, with each building costing one resource in each of the three colors: a trading house goes on an island tile to show your influence; a tower is placed next to one of your trading houses on a towerless island, then you gain points equal to the number of trading houses on that island; and a port goes under one of your portless trading houses, giving you the resource on that tile at the start of each turn. Discard to three resources in hand at turn's end.

From gallery of W Eric Martin

After ten turns, the game ends, and you score each of the islands on the board, whether they're only linked (that is, connected) or closed (with the island being completely surrounded by air). Each towered trading house in your color gives you 2 influence, and each other trading house 1 influence. Whoever has the most influence on a linked island scores 1 point per tile, and the player with the secondmost influence gets half that. Scores are doubled for closed islands.
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Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:00 am
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