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Tue April 23, 2024
With the gators jaws around Georgitis' arm, after he tried to escape by stabbing it with the screwdriver, "I put my feet up against him just launched back as hard as I possibly could and somehow ripped my arm out and not off." That hurts just to read
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Suddenly, squirrels
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(National Today)
Today is simultaneously National Lover's Day and National Take a Chance Day, so take a chance and spread your love. Sure, you might get the clap but that's what it's all about
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Photoshop this cold river
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Kyoto goes on high alert after rogue sakura tree slams man to ground
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(Japan Today)
Sugar Baby Riri sentenced to nine years in jail for defrauding three rich, vain men, selling how-to book to sugar baby wannabe and evading taxes
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(National Today)
Today is Canada Book Day, so if you have their book, please give it back. Some of them know how to read
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(WFAA Fort Worth)
CDC forced to update its outdoor activity heat advisory color chart to include "MOAR Dangerously Hotter than Red Hot" designation due to climate change. Say hello to Purple Hell Hot
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Salmon sperm? in my sandy vagina?
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(Topeka Capital-Journal)
Karen the Ostrich died. Has anyone seen my keys?
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SwissAir jet nearly collides with 4 other aircraft on JFK runway. Is today take your child to work day?
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Nine year old British boy wins the European Gull Screeching Championship. You already know a child like that
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(The Sun (Ireland))
I'm not saying a massive saucer-shaped 'UFO' broke down in the desert and needed a flatbed, but aliens broke down in the desert
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(History Channel)
On this day in history, in 1014, High King Brian of Ireland was killed by Vikings. Adding insult to injury, scholars record that as he lay dying, his stricken soldiers all come together to sing "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life"
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Instead of going to his trial for child rape, cop shoots up school, kills his wife and underage girlfriend, abducts his kid, and tries to flee the country. Also, wife-murdering pedo cop hat trick in play
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Caption this mother offering her child a snack
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(ABC Action News)
Roses are red, violets are blue. I fought cancer, with poetry, too
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(PA Homepage)
Get off my lawn... or die
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In all fairness, has there ever been a year where they DIDN'T predict an 'above average' hurricane season?
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(AP News)
At the rate these things are built, the first bullet train trip will be between Shady Sands and New Vegas
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(Some Guy)
Suddenly, Thundersnow
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(KOIN Portland)
'Felon who eluded cops after swinging sword, huffing nitrous found in porta-potty' No word on his Fark handle
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New Dehli smells like a garbage fire. Moreso than usual
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(New Musical Express)
Today in New Signs of Dystopia: Cotton Eye Joe is breaking YouTube records
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(International Business Times)
Londoner rolls out of bed and straight into the trash, slicing his rent and his commuting costs in one fell swoop - not today, capitalism, not today
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(Mental Floss)
New study finds that Bigfoot sightings are probably just bears, which is just what they want you to believe
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Photoshop these dam workers
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Russia is jamming airplane GPS for thousands of flights across Europe. What could possibly go wrong?
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Belgian man whose body makes its own alcohol cleared of drunk-driving. Fark account suspension still pending
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(Daily Star)
The Horse Fisterer (possible nsfw content on page)
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Say, anyone checked on Haiti in a while?
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(The Kyiv Independent)
Day 790 of WW3. Agreement for Ukraine to get long-range ATACMS has been reached, just before the Senate votes on the House bill providing military support. Meanwhile, orcs are trying to depopulate Kharkiv. This is your Tuesday Ukraine War thread
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(Good Morning America)
We're gonna need a bigger ball pit
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"Plasmic Echo"? That's the FBI's name for the Trump classified documents investigation? I'd have gone with "Attention Whore Supreme" but that's just me. Ideas to the right
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Paying a young person for sexually explicit images is hazardous to your health and career if you work at the BBC
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(WJAC TV Johnstown)
TFA isn't saying BooBoo about the bear, but Yogi to admit, it is probably a very big one
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(Tech Dirt)
LOL - No
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Remember that recent thread about Wal-Mart ground beef? Hang on to your buns. Some of you may be in a real pickle
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(Grimsby Telegraph)
Killjoy was here (and was utterly defeated by a joint dragon/RAF task force)
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Iran purchases the latest Photoshop upgrade
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(KTUL Tulsa)
If you are clothed head to toe in camouflage while making turkey sounds, then you just might be shot like a turkey. Just sayin'
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Mon April 22, 2024
(WGAL 8)
Eats, throws a glass, and leaves doesn't quite have the same ring to it
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(CBS News)
San Franciscans are flushed with excitement
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Pepsi, Pepsi, Pepsi...Strike, Strike, Strike
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(KIRO-7 Seattle)
Cold storage warehouse goes up in flames. Guess someone let all the cold out
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That's some good adVice officer
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(Daily Express)
Oh nothing, just Vlad is scrambling nuclear capable forces to the border with Finland. It's not like they and Russia have any animosity (possible nsfw content on page)
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(History Channel)
On this day in history, in 1989, absolutely nothing happened in Tiananmen Square, at least according to the Chinese government
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(24/7 Wall Street)
'murica's most murdery muncipalities
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(AP News)
Photoshop this mothership
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