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Lyder Røed feat. OKJOS - New Album- Freespace

Lyder Røed (Fieh, Lyder Røed kvintett, Bangkok Lingo, Slow is the new fast etc) has over a longer period, worked on his solo project “Freespace”. The music was written as an ordered piece by Østnorsk Jazzsenter for OJKOS (Orchestra for Jazz Composers in Oslo). It has become a project where he playfully around with musical references.



Torun Eriksen - New Album - Fastlandet

With her new album, Fastlandet, Torun Eriksen breaks new ground and does a number of things for the first time: The lyrics are Norwegian; it is a trio format; it has an electroacoustic soundscape; and the music is improvised and thoroughly composed simultaneously, layer upon layer.



LILJA - New Single - In Your Arms

"In Your Arms" is part of LILJA's "Mirage" project, which was nominated for the Norwegian Grammy. The song is written over a rhythm that Brazilian percussionist Celio de Carvalho grew up with. The music was written by LILJA, in collaboration with Sofie Tollefsbøl and Erlend Mokkelbost. It is about surrendering to love; both the "big", the "small", and to life itself.


Norwegian Grammy Nominees

Jazzland Artists on Tour

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