
GTC cover art April 2024

April 2024

Son Goku (Sun Wukong), a god in monkey form, was brandishing a Nyoi-bo representing the TBXT gene. However, an AluY-marked dagger hit the Nyoi-bo and broke it off. Xia et al. showed that the loss of tails in hominoids, including humans and apes, was due in part to changes in splicing patterns caused by the insertion of an AluY element into the ancestral TBXT gene (Xia et al. (2024) Nature 626:1042-1048, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07095-8). Son Goku cannot hide the look of impatience on his face as his tail begins to disappear, having impaired the function of the Nyoi-bo, which is necessary to maintain his tail, the source of Son Goku's magical power.
猿の姿をした神である孫悟空が、TBXT遺伝子をかたどった如意棒を振り回していた。ところが、その如意棒にAluY印の匕首が命中して折れてしまった。Xiaらは、ヒトや類人猿などのヒト上科が尻尾を失った原因の一端は、祖先のTBXT遺伝子にAluY要素が挿入されたことでスプライシングのパターンに変化が生じたことにあることを示した(Xia et al. (2024) Nature 626:1042-1048, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07095-8)。孫悟空の尻尾の維持に必要な如意棒の機能が損なわれたことで、その魔力の源泉である尻尾が消え始めた孫悟空は、焦りの表情を隠しきれない。

GTC cover art March 2024

March 2024

This is an ornamental tool called an 'inro' used to carry medicines in the Edo period. On the surface of this inro, the structure of N1-methyl-pseudouridine (N1mΨ), the key to the development of the mRNA vaccine against COVID-19, is schematically depicted with plum buds (oxygen atoms) and branches, using the maki-e lacquer decoration technique. Coronavirus particles are depicted on the toggle ('netsuke') used to secure the inro to the obi of the kimono. Perhaps one day, wherever we travel, we will enjoy our journey without fear of unknown viruses by swallowing a pill taken from our portable pill case like this inro.