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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for FixVTS

FixVTS 1.603
* Added better handling of address exceptions for IFOs that are severely mangled.
* In Full DVD process mode, VTS 99 was excluded from the loop. It is now processed with all the other titlesets.

FixVTS 1.602
* The code has been very slightly altered so FixVTS can run in wine (linux). No change if running in windows.

FixVTS 1.6
* The code has been improved, to better handle badly formed IFOs with out-of-range pointers and other calamities.
* Added a "-p" command line switch to control the option to fix PGC LBA pointers.

FixVTS 1.5
* If the CLI is used to tell FixVTS where to write the log, FixVTS appends to the log, rather than erasing it.
* Increased length of navpack array to avoid crashes on some twisted DVDs.

FixVTS 1.403
* Fixed a tiny bug that messed up the Last VOBU start sector in some rare cases (last VOBU with only 1 sector). Thanks r0lZ.
* The VTS(M)_C_ADT and VTS(M)_VOBU_ADMAP pointers are now set to 0 if the tables are empty. This prevents Shrink from crashing on empty VOBs.
* Added an "Open" button to the UI.

FixVTS 1.401
* FixVTS now zeros out offset 0xC0 when any menu vob is removed (not just video_ts.vob). This is for Nero to stop complaining about a reallocation

FixVTS 1.4
* FixVTS now zeros out offset 0xC0 when video_ts.vob is removed. This is for Nero to stop complaining about a reallocation error.
* Fixed problem that occurs when a PGC Cells has the right pointers, but wrong VCID ("When a Stranger Calls" for example).

FixVTS 1.3
* If video_ts.vob is entirely removed by FixVTS, the vmgm_c_adt and vmgm_vobu_admap tables are entire removed. This fixes crashes that occurred in Shrink during the analysis or the processing phase.
* Added option in the UI to fix PGC LBA pointers. This adjusts the First VOBU start LBA, Last VOBU start LBA and Last VOBU End LBA in PGCs when these LBAs are obviously bogus and remaps a cell if it references something crazy. It should be on.
* FixVTS now makes the necessary adjustments to the IFO tables when the number of VTS present on the DVD does not match the value(s) in the IFO.
* Added command line option -l logpath to specify where to put the log.
* The log was not being cleared when FixVTS was used in command-line mode. This is fixed.
* Added logging of start and end time.
* Removed annoying messages having to do with testing for empty VOB files.
* Fixed the problem with the INI file path not existing in wine.
* Fixed win 98 and ME crashes introduces in version 1.25
* Added final completion message in Full DVD mode.
* Added .ini option to put backup directory in the VIDEO_TS directory. You need to edit the .ini file to change that.

FixVTS 1.25

* Fixed a problem that could occur when a PGC cell's entry sector and last VOBU start address didn't point to a navpack.
* FixVTS now only reports 30 blank pack replacements. This will make the log file a bit more manageable!
* Fixed the problem with the INI file path not existing in wine.
* FixVTS now updates the number of titlesets in the DVD.

FixVTS Beta 1.24

* Tiny update: removed an annoying message about video format. Corrected the properties in the binary.

FixVTS Beta 1.23

* Added code to update IFOs in FullDVD mode, when the vob does not exist but the IFO does.

FixVTS Beta 1.22

* Fixed a problem that occurred when the last cell(s) in a vob was/were removed.

FixVTS Beta 1.20

* Empty vob files are now removed in the menu domain.
* The DVD was flagged as PAL when the vertical resolution was 240. This has been fixed.
* In command-line mode, FixVTS behaves nicer if you try to open a non-existing file.
* There's a -a command line option to reset all angle/ILVUs pointers.
* The -v command line option can be used to not renumber VOBIDs.
* Minor cosmetic changes.

FixVTS Beta 1.17

* FixVTS now renumbers the VIDs as well as the CIDs.
* FixVTS now checks for empty output vobs and renames the others accordingly.
* Restore backups now works better (won't forget files)
* Fixed a bug that occured when the last cell of the last vob was removed.
* Fixed a couple bugs when the vob file was empty to begin with, or the IFO didn't exist.
* Fixed a bug in the IFO class that cause data to be written in the wrong place, which caused CloneDVD2 to refuse to open the DVD (but otherwise had no other side-effect)...
* FixVTS now updates the last navpack pointers in the menu domain as well, if they're incorrect.
* The log is now in the default directory pointed to by the %TEMP% environment variable. To open the log, right-click on FixVTS's title bar, and chose "Open Log".

FixVTS Beta 1.12

* Fixed a bug in the input/output navpack mapping table which caused DVDShrink to flag the entire movie as unreferenced in some cases.

FixVTS Beta 1.11

* The VTS(M)_C_ADT table is now ordered the proper way in the case of ILVU or multi-angled DVDs.
* The PGC duration is now correctly computed in the case of multi-angle PGCs.
* Added code to update the TMAP_TI table. DVDShrink does not seem to need that table though.
* The VCIDs are now remapped if needed, so the Cell IDs are in consecutive order and start at 1. The VIDs are not modified. This is needed because DVDShrink reports completely wrong sizes if the Cell IDs are not in the right order.

FixVTS Beta 1.01

* Fixed another problem with missing tables in the IFOs... and a bug introduced by version Beta 1.0 ... We'll get there!.

FixVTS Beta 0.99

* FixVTS Beta 0.98 crashed during the IFO update if there was no VOBU_ADMAP table. This is fixed.

FixVTS Beta 0.98

* Fixed 1 major bugs in the IFO updating code that caused bad VTS sectors in the IFOs
* The IFO size is now calculated based on the table sizes inside, instead of relying on its original size (which can be wrong).
* Fixed a bug that cause the last LBA pointer of the last PGC cell to be wrong in some cases. This made Shrink report lots of material as unreferenced.
* If video_ts.ifo does not exist, FixVTS no longer crashes (!).

FixVTS -Beta 0.96

* Added option to process the entire DVD. This runs FixVTS on all menu and title vobs.
* Cleaned up and simplified the backup mechanism.
. When processing "in-place" there is no backup of any files.
. When not processing "in-place", previous backed-up files are deleted before the current ones are backed up. This means the backup directory always contains the IFO and VOB files as they were right before the last processing.
* FixVTS automatically restores the backup when not in-place if the user aborts.
* Delete Backup now deletes the backup directory.
* FixVTS warns if aborting might result in seriously mis-synchronized files (in-place processing, and if some packs have been removed).
* FixVTS now reports remaining processing time.
* New command line argument -f for full dvd process.
* FixVTS now creates/backs up both .IFO and .BUP files.
* Processing video_ts.vob now works OK (the IFO was not updated in previous versions).

FixVTS -Beta 0.95

* New command line argument -s to make the app start processing immediately.
* Warning for in-place processing removed when command-line arguments are used.
* Can't toggle "in place" in the middle of processing any more!

FixVTS -Beta 0.94

* Better check for file read/write permissions and better message for failure.
* FixVTS now can process the menu domain.
* Fixed a couple small bugs.

FixVTS -Beta 0.93

* New -i command line option for "in-place" processing.
* FixVTS restores the backup folder in command-line mode if the user aborts.

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