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1. A useful front-end confetti animation library (github.com/catdad)
229 points by blini2077 3 hours ago | hide | 53 comments
2. David Frankel is a man on a mission against robocalls (ieee.org)
75 points by rbanffy 2 hours ago | hide | 47 comments
3. Tribler: An attack-resilient micro-economy for media (github.com/tribler)
69 points by thunderbong 2 hours ago | hide | 21 comments
4. Serious flaws in SQL (1990) (acm.org)
35 points by lioeters 2 hours ago | hide | 37 comments
5. You are what you read, even if you don't always remember it (jim-nielsen.com)
638 points by herbertl 13 hours ago | hide | 339 comments
6. More on x86 – The Chip Letter (thechipletter.substack.com)
34 points by rbanffy 3 hours ago | hide | 15 comments
7. Autotuner: How to Speed Up Your Rails App (railsatscale.com)
43 points by onnnon 3 hours ago | hide | 8 comments
8. Digital Wood Joints (openup.design)
11 points by montgomery_r 1 hour ago | hide | 7 comments
9. TSMC unveils 1.6nm process technology with backside power delivery (tomshardware.com)
161 points by elorant 3 hours ago | hide | 79 comments
10. Someone built an LLM-powered Slay the Spire bot (community.aws)
4 points by rickspencer3 36 minutes ago | hide | discuss
11. Tiny GPU: A minimal GPU implementation in Verilog (github.com/adam-maj)
140 points by fgblanch 9 hours ago | hide | 37 comments
12. Cogram (YC W22) Is Hiring a Customer Success Engineer (ycombinator.com)
2 hours ago | hide
13. HTML Attributes vs. DOM Properties (jakearchibald.com)
267 points by thunderbong 12 hours ago | hide | 100 comments
14. A Beginner's Guide to the ESP8266 (2017) (tttapa.github.io)
198 points by davikr 13 hours ago | hide | 66 comments
15. The Analytical Language of John Wilkins (wikipedia.org)
4 points by benbreen 1 hour ago | hide | 2 comments
16. Palm OS and the devices that ran it: An Ars retrospective (arstechnica.com)
49 points by Brajeshwar 2 hours ago | hide | 28 comments
17. Quaternion Knowledge Graph Embeddings (2019) (arxiv.org)
65 points by teleforce 11 hours ago | hide | 27 comments
18. Chime Design and Build (leehite.org)
10 points by epilys 3 hours ago | hide | discuss
19. Oracle Shared Pool Internals: Allocated Chunk Status Indicators in Heap Dumps (tanelpoder.com)
16 points by mooreds 5 hours ago | hide | discuss
20. Progress Quest: The original idle game (progressquest.com)
43 points by chr15m 9 hours ago | hide | 16 comments
21. Rust Stream API visualized and exposed (github.com/alexpusch)
3 points by PaulHoule 2 hours ago | hide | discuss
22. Air Force picks Anduril, General Atomics to develop unmanned fighter jets (breakingdefense.com)
154 points by dcgoss 13 hours ago | hide | 207 comments
23. How Penelope Fitzgerald became a late blooming novelist (commonreader.co.uk)
9 points by lermontov 3 hours ago | hide | 2 comments
24. 40 Years of Sopwith (fragglet.github.io)
54 points by dusted 5 hours ago | hide | 25 comments
25. Researchers Showcase Decentralized AI-Powered Torrent Search Engine (torrentfreak.com)
51 points by HieronymusBosch 3 hours ago | hide | 11 comments
26. Enron tried to trade memory chip futures; why didn't it work? (felixstocker.com)
35 points by Dagulf795 11 hours ago | hide | 13 comments
27. Show HN: Snatched! – My game where you lure LLM-powered NPCs to your alien ship (playsnatched.com)
11 points by __cayenne__ 43 minutes ago | hide | 4 comments
28. I now lack the juice to fuel the bluster to conceal that I am a simpleton (lithub.com)
338 points by Jun8 19 hours ago | hide | 138 comments
29. Automated Stitching of Chip Images (bunniestudios.com)
62 points by lemper 14 hours ago | hide | 9 comments
30. The evolution of stupidity (and octopus intelligence) (forkingpaths.co)
42 points by ColinWright 6 hours ago | hide | 37 comments

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